Chapter 211 the undercurrent was of great help, reaching the edge of the imperial city

“No... I feel that taking so many torture devices doesn’t seem to be of much use.”A construction department officer scratched his head.

“Indeed... This thing is too big, it takes up a lot of space.”Another construction department officer nodded.

“Brother Kodo, do you think...”

The two of them were about to ask Kodo, but they saw that Kodo had also started to choose the torture devices to put in the storage compartment.

However, he had chosen the smaller types, which were more suitable for putting in the storage compartment.

The two of them looked at each other. “Brother Kodo...”

Kodo cursed in his heart. “Don’t you understand? These torture instruments are all very good equipment. Even if we can’t use them, we can exchange them for contribution points when we take them back to the construction department!”

The two of them came to a sudden realization.

“F * ck! Take, take, take, take as much as you can!”