Chapter 234: A Shocking Plan to kill his way into Angel Fortress 2

“Kill my way back to the Salvation Army? I’m really good at it!”Kodo’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

Damn, Lin Xuan’s move was simply marvelous.

When he thought about how he could kill his old boss and cause chaos at the back of the Salvation Army, he trembled with excitement.

“There’s no time to lose. Let’s Go!”

Lin Xuan was the first to rush into drowning city.

Ye Yuqiu and Kodo followed closely behind.

The monsters in drowning city had been killed once, and the dark elemental creatures had been killed once more. There was almost no obstruction.

The three of them soon arrived at the imperial city area of drowning city.

The deep pit had been there for a long time. At the bottom of the pit, a black tide surged, emitting a terrifying black light.

“What is Angel Fortress?”Lin Xuan asked.