The Beast, unleashed! [R18]

Whilst still keeping his eyes closed, and keeping most of his attention on the waning, thinning currents of [Aether] available in the air, Aziel's lips parted as he coldly asked.

"What are you doing here? What do you want… Ms. Lydia Martin?"

Hearing Aziel refer to her by her full name, caused the failed sneaking silhouette to lose all pretentiousness and step into the faint moonlight by the window.

Her alluring, seductive body was revealed under the night's silver luster, revealing her bountiful mounds and illustrious mature hourglass figure. The thin layer of laced, semi-transparent dark silk material, her nightgown barely covered her pink pair of flower buds. Going down below, it also just hang low enough to cover the entrance to the naked cave awaiting the brave adventurer...