Chapter 111 -The trap

"Obviously, the point is to show our martial skills, and prowess. Bullying of any kind, torture, unwarranted violence will not be tolerated!" Master Lee continued. "As for the rewards… hmm…" However, as he got the last part of the questions, he suddenly found himself unable to speak.

The verbal attack Aziel had thrown out was not something he could accept, not without swallowing his pride both as Master, Disciple of the revered Grandmaster Kyokushin-san!

He clenched his fists so tightly that all colors have long since left it, turning it a pair of pale white orbs of flesh instead. His facial muscles twitching the middle-aged Martial Arts Teacher was doing his best to control his emotions.

"Don't worry, Master Lee!" Eventually, Chris decided to step up from behind. Fighting back against the overwhelming pain of the beating he received at the hands of his hateful opponent, he forced his usual theatrical smile on his face as he spoke.