Chapter 115 - Nothing but trouble

An innocent, kind smile stretching across his face, Aziel looked at the middle-aged man. Yet, behind that innocent, naive-looking stare, Master Lee felt as if a monster, a fearsome predator was leering.

A heavy presence pressured against him, turning the very air too dense for him to inhale. He felt as if he was pushed under the water, having difficulty even with something as simple as breathing the more he stared back.

He now wanted nothing more than to escape from this hell and run away. Rush to the grandmaster's side, and tell everything about today to Kyokushin-san. Only he could amend this situation.

"N-no…" After some difficulty, Master Lee forced some words out. He tried his hardest to respond as fast as possible so that he could finally be free from this horrifying monster.

"Y-you are f-fine… Y-you have won…" He spoke, with much less force than before.