Chapter 150 - Recount

"Alright, so, Jake… Before we get into the reason for our timely intervention, let us make sure you are not suffering from some concussion. Can you perhaps recall what happened just a few moments ago? What came to that buffed bald tattooed guy? He asked, looking at the young man with genuine interest."

There was no response at first, Jake was thinking about Aziel's question, trying his hardest to recall the events of just a moment ago. Yet no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't.

He revealed a confused look as he pondered about what could have happened. The last he remembered was that he was hurting everywhere and was barely holding on when suddenly he heard some strange sounds from behind.

A commotion happened, and by the time he came back to his senses, this blonde woman… this Sarah was beside him, with this unknown teen questioning him. Between the two moments, he was drawing blanks, no matter how hard he tried to think back.