Learning About Being a Trainer

As soon as John got back to where his groups area is he walked straight up to one of the Instructors.

"Hello Instructor. I have been away the past 3 days getting my starter Pokémon. I was wondering if there is anyway to catch up on the information needed today?"

"There is no way to be able to tell you the information today newbie. You will have to wait until tomorrow to start to learn the information. You will have to wait here when your group goes off to train at 8am."

"Oh ok. I will just walk around the city until dark then. Thanks for the information though." (AN: Totally not sus)

After John said that he walked back outside his groups area and then walked straight towards the inner city. For the rest of the day John didn't find anything of great importance.

One of the only things he found was a Pokécentre where he could heal his Pokémon. He first went there to heal his Ralts and then after about 1 hour, went back and healed his Bagon.

Another thing he found was a Pokémart. They sold anything from Pokéball too food your yourself and your Pokémon. After John bought some food for himself and a bit for both of his Pokémon (He bought a general type food) he left to go back to his groups area as it was getting dark.

After another round of greetings with the new Pokémon trainers, john and his group went to sleep.

They all woke up around the same time and had breakfast and went off to their training. While his group did that, John waited. After waiting for 5 minutes the guard from yesterday walked into the building and walked straight to John.

"I will be the one who is teaching you the information. Everyday, for 3 days we will meet here at 8am. Are there any questions."

"No sir." Replied John.

"Ok. We will go towards the Pokémon League Building so follow me."

After walking into the building they went to the right and through the door (which now had no signs) and then walked into another room to the left.

"Here is where you will be learning the information. I expect you to be able to remember that because I will not show you again. I will now be telling you the information needed to become a trainer."


3 days later


The Instructor (who's name is David) told John the things that are needed to become a trainer.

He told John that there is always at least 3 Pokécentres and Pokémarts in all human cities. This is told due to the lack of knowledge the people outside of the military zone have of the Pokémon trainer occupation.

He also told him about the restrictions and pay he received as a stageless Pokémon trainer. He gets 800 credits per week, 3 phone calls per week and that he cannot exit the military district and meet your family until the 2 years of training is over. Even then there are still restrictions until the 2 year military service is over.

The Instructor also told him his Units number ( Bremick unit 81) and then the honours, uniform and procedures John had to go through on ceremonial occasions.

There is also a gym in every city and along with that there is also a Pokémove trainer. Though the Pokémove trainer is expensive it is worth it. The Gym's are also necessary in every city due to them holding the Black-gold stage Pokémon trainer.

You need to beat the gym (at same level as challenger) to be able to move from Copper stage trainer and above.

John also learned that after he becomes a Bronze rank trainer he would be able to pick another Pokémon.

As John finished catching up to the others in his unit with knowledge, he was still behind on training. While he was learning what they had learnt over those 3 days, they were on the Pokémon combat field training and practicing against each other with their Pokémon.