End of first year


6 months later


Everything has improved over the last 6 months. Some of the kids in Johns unit had finally gotten their Pokémon to Low Iron-stage. While there is only about 6 people who did it, all the rest are near the peak of Stageless.

Johns Pokémon have improved rapidly over the past 6 months too. His Bagon has evolved into a Shelgon and had improved all of its old and new moves to Intermediate stage and even got Dragon Claw to Advance stage. Its stage is Low Bronze-stage.

His Ralts also made good progress. Even though John didn't let evolve, it was still stronger than almost all the other Pokémon he has.

The Weedle with Yellow potential has evolved into a Kakuna and was Low Bronze-stage.

All his other Pokémon have reached Iron-stage and have practiced all their moves to Intermediate stage.

While John's Pokémon were training he wasn't slacking. He had successfully made Pokéballs and potions. While the potions are not that good, John has been able to make better than normal market Pokéballs.

They had a better success rate at catching the Pokémon. The way John had tested it was to use them on the Pokémon in his space. Now that he had caught all the Pokémon in his space, John was comfortable at catching Magikarp. Even though they are weak as Magikarp, when they evolve they become monsters.

The reason John hadn't caught any Magikarp was because of that reason. If he didn't have Pokéballs to tame them, if they didn't like what he was doing, they would probably kill him.

Now that he had Pokéballs he caught a few Magikarp and started to train them. While they are still only Stageless, he is training them to become Gyarados.

After waking up in the morning, John put on his uniform along with all the other children, and walked towards the Pokémon League building.

They are heading there due to finishing the first year of training. The meeting is to honour them with the title of second year Pokémon trainers, and to tell them the information about the trip outside the walls.

"Alright Bremick unit 81, you are now getting the honours of being second year Pokémon trainers."

After 40 minutes for the honours and rewards given out, they started to tell them about the trip.

They are to kill at least 1 Bronze-stage Pokémon for the whole unit, and they are traveling into a forest. It is the same forest where John went last time to get his starter Pokémon.

After the meeting was done and all the information needed was told, John's unit went back to their training.

'I really hope that I can find some other good Pokémon when we do this trip next week.'


1 week later


The week flew past in seconds for John. He told his Pokémon to train like always and made lots of Pokéballs to catch Pokémon. He made sure that he would be able to get as many as he could without anyone seeing.

After waking up and having breakfast with Ruby, John's unit headed towards the city gates. After walking for 10 minutes towards the gate, they could finally see it.

When they got there, they were sorted into groups. John was put into a group of 5 other people.

After they sorted the unit into groups, they assigned instructors and Pokémon trainers to go with the groups for protection. They would only step in if there was a Pokémon above Low Bronze-stage though otherwise it would be to unfair.

After they were done with setting up everything they got all the groups to walk outside the gate.

"Children, though it might be you first time outside the walls, we will protect you if anything above you happens. If you survive this trip you will make it to next year where you will be stronger and would have the experience of being outside the walls. Good luck to you and return safely." Yelled the instructor while standing behind the closing gate.

After the gate was closed, a few kids broke down into tears as the realisation kicked in. Before anymore children could cry the instructors asked the unit to start moving to the West were the forest is.