Chapter 141

Through observation, it can be seen that the energy's abundance in a region is directly proportional to the quantity of energy-infused in it.

Even though this may sound obvious and redundant, we can extract something from it, and it is that large amounts of energy are required to create these items.

Following this idea, if a cultivator spends day after day injecting all his energy inside a stone, that stone would eventually become an energy-infused stone, obtaining new qualities that it didn't possess in its previous form, such as a higher energy conductivity.

Even though this may like a great way to obtain unlimited resources, one must remember that not all that glitters is gold.

After numerous tries to improve and optimize the technique, the researchers concluded that the amount and quality of resources obtained weren't worth the amounts of energy and time spent in the process.

In the end, if you want resources, it is better to spend your time and energy exploring and collecting new regions than trying to create them yourself.

"—Extract from "Nature and its multiple treasures," a work carried out by researchers from multiple Esvert academies.—"

After reading the book for a few hours, the group had a few ideas about how to proceed with the symbol's creation.

As the researchers said, to create an energy-infused item, a cultivator needs to use his energy to fuse it with the matter of the item you desire to transform. As they just needed to create a few lines and not transform the whole object where they would draw the symbol, they needed to use a different method than those described in the book.

They needed to create a thin layer of matter with a higher energy-conductivity, so the best way would be to apply energy only on the surface.

To try this, the three cultivators used wooden planks as it would be more resilient than paper, and it wasn't expensive, so they could try again and again until they got what they wanted.

The first thing they did was confirm that the theory the book talked about was true. They got a small piece of wood and placed it on the table while the three began to transfer all their energy toward it.

The process lasted for hours, during which they would need to stop and cultivate to recover their energy. Only after that time did they see how the wooden piece had a magical glow on its own.

"I understand why the book said that it is not worth it. If someone wanted to create weapons for an army using this method, their enemies would die of old age before battling them." Travis laughed as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Yes, this is now the most optimal way to get resources. I hope we managed to optimize it a bit. If not, this is going to be a pain in the ass." Marianne replied.

"It is pretty troublesome, but at the same time, I feel like it should be even more problematic," Nathan said.

"What do you mean?" Travis asked curiously.

"I don't know. Since we started with this research, I feel like it is easier to cultivate and recover my energy than before. Maybe it is my imagination, but I truly feel like it." Nathan replied.

After hearing those words, a surprised expression appeared on the faces of both his companions.

"I'm feeling exactly the same," Travis confessed.

"Me too. It is as if the energy flowed towards my dantian on its own." Marianne said.

"Well, I guess we have more to investigate once we end this," Nathan said as he began to laugh.

After that, they began to try different methods to create the symbols. The experiments lasted for a few days until they found what they thought was the most optimal way.

While accumulating larges amounts of energy in a finger, they would draw the symbol on the surface where they wanted to create it. Doing it a single time was the same as doing nothing, but after repeating the symbol hundreds or thousands of times, the material would slowly absorb the energy from their finger until it became a different material from the rest.

This method had a few problems, like that it was very time-consuming or that they needed to run their finger exactly over the same area, as if they did it wrong, they would create imperfections on the symbol.

After a few days of trying, Nathan was working on a wooden plank when he finally managed to create an acceptable symbol for the first time.

"I think I got it!" he shouted to his friends.

Hearing their companion, they ran toward him and looked at the symbol. Until that point, it was the best one that they managed to create.

With a trembling hand, Nathan placed the plank on the table before infusing it with energy.

The symbol came to life as it began to gather the energy from its surroundings.

At that moment, they realized that they had succeeded in creating the first human-made rune of that world.