Soon it was going to be Jen's B'day on 21 June so, Ferheen was thinking to plan something amazing for her birthday. But it was a-bit impossible to arrange things at the hospital. As noise is not allowed in-side there. Days passed and slowly-slowly they both started becoming closer and closer. So, for all the birthday stuffs, Ferheen told her mom to get them, but her mom was worried that if it won't be allowed to do such things, she will be broken, still her mom did not deny and brought the things in the list which Ferheen gave to her mom: Balloons, Scented candles (as Jesah loved the scented once). The spiral-colored paper rolls, party pops, red velvet Cake and a lot more things which is needed in the birthday celebrations. So, on 20th June at night Ferheen asked for the permission of Dr. Adu Chen and she was so nice and pleasant she allowed them but just for 30 min or may be 40 but, not more than that as it was dangerous for Jesah. So as Dr Adu knew the surprise plan, she helped Ferheen and took Jesah for walk in the garden of the hospital, meanwhile Ferheen, her mom, Jesah's parents helped Ferheen to decorate the room; with the scented candles, amazing-colored spiral rolls, balloons and the beautiful red velvet cake with white-chocolate swirl's on top with cake crumbles on it. And Ferheen was ready with an amazing poem for her as she was really nice at writing. All the lights were switched off, only the candles where lit and they were burning with an amazing smell of vanilla & cinnamon while they heard her footsteps coming near to the room, and suddenly the door opened, Jesah came inside then went close to the plug board and suddenly a loud noise echoed – SURPRISE JESAH. And all the lights were immediately turned on, Jesah got tears in her eye and said I thought, I won't be able to celebrate my birthday this year.
In that silence suddenly a soft slow voice came up.
I'll never let your beautiful face get dull or fade.
I wish, I could take you to the moon,
I'll never let you cry or break-apart,
and if you be sad, I'll be there to make you laugh.
I'll be there to hold you…
Even in the crowd of millions, if you shout my name out loud;
I'll be there to Hold you ...