Sun Above And Game Update Chp 7

#Shaun POV#

#Timeskip 3 weeks#

The world of Albion is incredibly big.

I look around in my room in every direction as I have finally made some progress in my training nothing special.

My [Meditation] is now level 11. [Sneak] is level 17 while my SE is finally in the thousands to be exact 4,605. Not bad If I say so myself but nowhere near where I want to be.

I fly a bit above the ground and use [Sneak]

Doing an action while sneaking helps to level it up faster.

I continue looking around but eventually, I stop looking around to take a look a the screen

(Game Update Progress: 98%)

"Yup, it is still being updated," I whisper to myself

I go outside while making sure I use sneak and fly high up into the air and above the clouds to charge up.

Thankfully, I can still access most of it but not all the features.

Apparently, due to my race, it is updating itself to suit my needs for the moment which all of the details of the update show.

I stay up here for an hour basking in the suns rays until finally the update is finished

(Game Updated: It is recommended to look at the changes)

"Status," I say as a screen pops up

[Name: Aiden Marek

Health: 3500/Infinite

MP{Sealed} 0/infinite


Str 22

Vit 19

End 21

Dex 20

Int 23

Wis 20

Luck 30

Stat Points:0

HP Genarated=Vitx5=105x(Due to race bonus) Per minute

MP Genareated=Sealed

Skills: {Heat Vision}{Super Breath}{Super Vision}{Super Ventriluiquism}{SE senses}{SE super strenght}{SE super speed}{SE super Durability}{SE and Mp Conversion}

Perks/Passives:{Gamer Body And Mind}{Natural Instinct}{Fire Magi}{Water Magi}{Air Magi}{Earth/Crystal Magi}{Heroic Soul}{SE self sustanance}{SE Immortality}]

"Why are my health and magic infinite and why does it mean by..." I stop as I bring in the update list

I read carefully through and I understand it clearly

Both my hero and Kryptonian Magi races are synergizing. Combined with the [Gamer Body] they work together. Kryptonians produce lifeforce when exposed to the corresponding sun. My Hero blood makes it so that magic works on the same principle. Most heroes in the game or rather the protag are pretty much blessed with nigh-infinite magic or will.

Both of these aspects work with [Gamer Body] to make me a true video game character.

In a video game, a player has a set amount of HP and MP they can use as well as regenerate what happened here is that I no longer have a set amount of either HP or MP. No 100 Hp total the amount that I have is generated and in true game fashion taken as damage. Same principle for MP.

Granted this would sort of change If I run out of SE. But, the sheer potential of a Kryptonian Magi is still being calculated to my understanding. I am sure if I didn't have it it would be the same gamer system.

I honestly just want to shout in joy as I have near-infinite HP and MP before I think of the consequences. Having a near-infinite amount of HP and MP means that potions that supposedly give me full health will not really work as they should with me. This is cleared up after I read a bit more.

"Ok, so potions that heal or restore MP completely will just bring them up to the number I had before I took damage in a fight otherwise they are ineffective," I said a bit bumped out at missing out on it but still feeling giddy about it.

I look at my HP and MP going up when I see that SE is still going up as well.

"This is fucking amazing," I say as I realize that I can use ritual magic and other types that require an immense amount of it in order to work.

Sacrifice your lifeforce

I ask how much the average human lifeforce is worth 100 HP in gamer terms.

After the update was finished I technically had the amount worth of 35 humans.

"Fuck it, I am grave robbing my dad's tomb which is something I never thought I would say," I say to myself as I look at the tomb and but then I get a feeling of foreboding as I should still watch my back even with the new capabilities I can't afford to be arrogant.


I go down to my room and resolve to get in during the night. I get in through the window after making sure that no one saw me. I go into one of my dressers as the sun will set in a few more hours for now time to study about more monsters.