Worlds Listing Chp 4



I listen carefully to Logan instructing me about several topics regarding politics and how to navigate through them

I resist the urge to sigh as I look at Logan and see his mouth is very slowly moving and his eyes are closed as he is blinking in slow motion

Getting faster has its perks and its downsides

For me, everyone around me looks like they are moving at 1/5 the speed they normally would possibly even slower

The support jobs can only do so much to help me out, even with my 'instinctual' ability to use my powers due to my new body has been a hassle

I have focused nearly entirely on support jobs to the point that I am sure I can make decent enough stuff to start out with but I need to start focusing on classes that don't focus as much on fighting

I am a Kryptonian

I am not exactly meant to be a fighter as much nevermind that I am a Magi as well

I have read nearly all of the books in the castle and I have memorized them but even then they can only do so much

I am as ready as I can possibly be, not counting magic

The sad thing is that I have made a gun that can hold multiple bullets that I remember from my past life, figuring out with my new brain was easy barely and inconvenience however, I do not have a corresponding job for it

Guns are absolutely useless to me when I can use my Heat Vision or Super Breath

There are already guns that can shoot more than one bullet but that requires someone who can create the necessary enchantments for it

Soldiers who have those types of guns carry around a bag filled with ammo that is connected to their gun

The enchantment makes it so that the bullets are all inside the bag and go to gun one by one, the guns are arranged in neat paper packages just like the old musket rifles back in the 17th century or whatever century it was

They are ridiculously expensive to make

Around 7,000 gold for a pistol, a rifle is worth double or triple that, depending on how the economy is at the time

I am frustrated at the fact that I won't be able to make anything truly useful for a while

"...this is why you need..." I hear Logan continue as I lower my perception


"That was a pain in a half," I say slightly annoyed at how much ass-kissing was being done by the 'nobles' and I could see the greed in their eyes as they talked about some of their daughters to me

I have to be honest, most of the women here at least most that I have encountered are fake

They wear far too much make-up to the point that clowns would be jealous as they wear so much of it that it looks like a thick layer of paint is falling off their face whenever they start talking, they have fake moles for whatever reason, they have dark orange teeth and they are all wearing corsets to the point that I worried about their organs either coming out from their mouth or their ass, possibly even both

I even saw a rather statuesque woman, and I was sure her stomach was not supposed to be compressed that much

The worst thing of it all was the smell

I was literally gagging at my fastest speed once the attention was off me and rolled on the ground for a few seconds during that time

I ended up running outside and taking in huge breaths of air and I managed to make a huge gust of wind due to how much air I took into my lungs

I didn't dare to breathe inside that place at all as I did not want to put myself through that

I am re-entering my teenage years now but I am absolutely NOT attracted to the women here

I am regretting my choice of being here as someone who comes from the 21 first century, I am really sensitive to stuff in this world

I have a wish that I can use but I was thinking of using it for something that will be helpful for me down the road

I am not sure what to wish for though

I can already travel through the multiverse with my system although I need to wait until I am 16, and I have a year cooldown in order to leave that world thankfully, I can stack them

This means if I remain here for 5 years, I will be able to travel to other worlds with no cooldown, one after the other

I have time

But which world should I go to, to be fair I am not going anywhere really dangerous

After I get my hands on magic, I am planning on learning at least some basic stuff with it and then I will leave for another world

I close my eyes and remember the list of worlds and notes that I took in my mind

First, Harry Potter

While it may seem incredibly weak there is stuff there that can prove to be useful. I can possibly open an account on Gringotts due to the huge amount of gold that I can get my hands on here, walk around Diagon Alley and purchase stuff that I find interesting and due to the technology of the muggles, I will be able to improve my own knowledge and skill at making useful items

Second, the Mummy Rise of the Dragon Emperor timeline

I can get a way to become immortal right off the bat and possibly even find a way to improve my elemental magic

Third, Chronicle

Touch the stone, steal a computer, find stuff, and memorize all the information that I can for an entire year

Fourth, Arifureta

I would be able to talk to Hajime and learn stuff from him and how to create Magi-Tech, plus all of those magic abilities that one can get once they complete the labyrinths

Fifth, is a world where I am not sure if I want to be in

Star Wars

Obviously, I would get the technology for myself and advance my own 'tech' by years. The issue with that is that I don't know if they are any type of conceptual beings there

Sixth, the Boy's tv show

Compound V is interesting enough, and Compound...oh fuck, I can't lie, I just want to beat the shit out of Homelander

I sigh as I think of the worlds that I may go through,