Sanctuary Chp 6


"Well, shit," I say closing my father's book and notes about the Sanctuary

Theresa is an enemy no doubt about it

My 'father' had suspicions ever since he woke up and was taken out of Bowerstone after being shot by Lucien

My 'father' had more than 2 brain cells and instead of choosing any of the three he wished for all three choices

Wealth, Family, and the option to bring everybody who died working on the tower back

Theresa was apparently furious with my father at what he did

According to my father's notes about the Spire

Depending on the wish would drain a portion of power from it

Wealth would have been barely a bother, bringing back Logan and my...mother, is still fine if a bit more than the wealth one, however, bringing everyone back without sacrificing anything in return drained the Spire to near nothing barely holding itself together

My father and Theresa had a falling out as my father was blasted away from the Spire and Theresa placed a powerful barrier around it

My father hid many things within the Sanctuary that would have helped him fight her which he did

He sacrificed nearly every single artifact that he had collected and created himself and managed to take a leg and her right ear from her in order to prevent her from getting what he called a magic stone

From his notes, he believed that the magic stone comes from the center of the planet

From the core of the world

It generates magic, not a lot but enough to power most of the functions of the Sanctuary

Which are numerous

Going back to the Magic Stone

It generates magic but not a lot according to Father it makes around one adult's normal magical output a day

Plus, it also stores around half the magic that it generates

Which father used to create the Sanctuary

I sigh as I take all of this in

This world is not as simple as I thought it was

I look around the Sanctuary that now belongs to me

This is a fucking pocket dimension that he created with his knowledge of spatial magic

Holy shit

I mean to be fair the Cullis Gates should have been a dead giveaway

I shake my head as I take all of this in

Temporal and Spatial magic

Father had enough knowledge about those subjects to create this place

"Thank you," I whisper as I go around taking note of everything around the place

This place belongs to Logan and me but I guess it belongs to me more

(Theresa must have found this place before the hero of the third. Taking things from here in order to make their life difficult.) I realized as I go to the armory and spot the weapons

"The Daichi, Judge's Steel," I say looking around the armory and looking at the weapon stands

I grab the book from the middle of the room and speed-read it

"Wow," I say after I finish reading it in a few seconds

The weapons stands are able to fix weapons provided that they are not that damaged and are fixed by the magic generated by the Magic Stone

Same thing to the clothes and armor, as it keeps them at peak condition

I finally reach my father's library

It is filled with maps and books on magic

I look through some of the maps and see that Father discovered several locations that were previously used by the heroes guild hundreds of years ago

"Interesting," I say once I realized that some of the maps have red Xs on the locations indicating that either nothing of any actual value was found or there was nothing left

Blue marks were places where he did find stuff and was able to find out other locations to go to

Green marks are places where he was going to search for more stuff

Black marks are places that may have something of interest but are highly dangerous

I look around the Sanctuary a bit more and come across the room where the multiplayer room is

"Dimensional Travel," I say looking at the Dimensional Cullis gate

"It's not finished," I groan out as I look at the notes next to it

I sigh in disappointment before I look at it again

(With this I may not need to rely on my system to take me to other worlds,) I think about it some more before I roll my eyes

I have zero knowledge or understanding of magic so it is basically useless to me at the moment

Getting out of the Sanctuary, I go back to my room and think about what to do

I have a huge amount of magical knowledge at the Sanctuary, which means I can finally do some magic jobs to increase my power

At this point, after a year, I will be able to beat anyone in my way

I have a jump ready to go

But where would I even go, truly?

I sigh as I go over the worlds and make my choice

Mummy during the time of the Dragon Emperor at least 3 years before so that I can learn where about the elemental magic

I just need to settle my affairs here