Chapter 8: Enjoy Little Things In Life

Firstly I would like to say sorry to all my dear reader due to some issue i was unable to publish the chapter. I'm extremely sorry for this but I promise you guys that this will not repeat again.So ok guys come on let's continue our journey with more joy.

Arya took Aaravi's signature in a agreement paper ,then she took her ID and bus book and went out with angry face.As soon as she left

Arjun went to meet Arya,with shock he said -"OMG wow I think today is full moon day "Arya understood everything and he throws

a file on him and said " What do you mean bro , I do smile on everyday ,you know" by hearing this arjun blast with his laugh by saying " You... smiling my god i can't ..haaahaa" then he controled his laugh and saw Arya's face but he laughed again and controled his laugh with hard.Then he saw the agreement and questioned Arya about this .Arya explained everything to him.He asked "do you really want to go with her".Arjun adviced Arya not to disturb her .By hearing this Arya changed his mind and asked Aaravi to meet him. Aaravi said I'll share the location and you just come there in time ok.Arya agreed with her and she shared a location and he went there in time by seeing the location he face expression was like this 😖the reason was she shared the location of small hotel commonly called daaba.He saw Aaravi,she was waiting for his arrival,she saw him and said "Hi"to him to which Arya not replied. Aaravi in her mind -"o gosh what the hell yar, how could I stuck with this bookworm" scolded him and asked him taste the masal tea .Arya said "No way i won't ,can we change our place .We can go to cafe also right.How could you choose such places." to which Aaravi just smiled and replied -"Oh rich baby ,I know you may feel this place as disgusting,but please don't judge a book by it's cover.Just go & glance the kitchen once,then you can comment."He went and took a look of kitchen,he saw a lady Making dishes,other side he saw a little baby sleeping in a corner covered with holed blanket. Two daughter of this aunty were washing and cleaning the vessels. Aaravi stood behind Arya and said -"she is the owner of this daaba.She lost her husband few months back in a accident.To take care of her family she had to run this daaba . So I decided to help her whenever I just feel like to meet someone or they need to meet me i just come here so that she could get some profits.S I agree that you may get better food in cafe but not tasty one .Ok now could you please tell me the reason of our meeting."Arya felt that Aaravi is a unique girl he just wanted to experience her life so he changed his mind and he said -"when will you start my trip??". Aaravi tried to control her anger and said bye and went back to her place. Arya felt very happy,he ordered 20 cups of tea and informed his constable to supply to the members in station. He then went to Arjun and informed about the situation but Arjun disagreed about his decision and told him not to disturb her and also said -"Arya you are getting married man,these kind of craziness may lead to misunderstanding between you and vrishika ,bro plz try to understand."Arya smiled and said -"Can i ask you a question ?", arjun replied sure .Arya asked -"Have you ever seen this face (crazy) face of mine in these years ",arjun said "No".Arjun I have missed a lot of happiest moments, funniest moments of college life but I think she can give me that moments. when it comes to vrishika she is not my type at all, I'm trying to break this proposal but I can't if it brokes because of Aaravi then I'll be more happy.So i request plz allow me to enjoy these 15 days at least. ok".Arjun smiled and said -"can I join You plz".Arya laughed ,and both of them hugged each other. Aaravi reaches her PG then as soon as she gets in she starts to scold Arya .Her friends came to know about agreement, everyone tried to calm Aaravi.After scolding him for about 1hr she become calm . Aaravi said -"Guys I have a idea ,we have not decided to where to go right !!."Don't even think about that ,we are not joining you ok ",said Kushi. Aaravi said -"seriously ,you guys are really mean,but I know you all will be there in my so called enjoying life training.Plz come na guys ,plzzz".Then everyone were convened by her. "Mr.Innocent , Arya I'll teach a such a lesson in these 15 days so that you won't forget about it ."thinks in her mind ,she smiled and went to her room. Arya was so excited to experience a enjoyable life ,he got up early in the morning and get dressed smartly and took car to pic up Arjun and they went near Aaravi's PG. Then Arya called Aaravi.she received call from her & she came down and she saw him in front of here PG , she said -"Hello sir ,do you want me to be homeless,if owner sees you then he'll kick us from this home so please wait near our college.Ok"she disconnect the call and said -"oh gosh I think I'm gone due this man yar !! Ah" to her friends.They all get dressed and asked Aaravi where we are going ,she said "to college,then where". Everyone gave a weird look ."Today I'm going to teach him how to bunk the classes" and gave a 😏(this smile) to her friend .Kushi said -"omg I think this gone be horrible, only god can save them,ok come on girls let's move ".

They reached the college, Arya was very angry, because they were waiting for a long time .He said -"This is too much ,don't you guys have a time sense, you have wasted our 1hr time ." Artha said -"O hello boss , don't even dare to talk like that ok, it's the reality that girls take more time to get ready.If she says to wait for 15min then you need wait for 45min , don't you know that ",Arya replied surprisingly .Aravi said -" why? don't you wait for your girlfriend."Artha ,Kushi said -"what wait , you have girlfriend",Arya said "No " Everyone said "we don't believe "Arya said -"promise, I don't have girlfriend,so I ..."Aravi said &"o gosh now plz don't tell me that you don't have any female friends"Arya with a weird face said -"yes I don't have", everyone one were really shocked.They were like seriously, Omg. Then Arjun said -"guys can we go now "Arya said ha yes , Aaravi said "ok then follow me ".They all followed her .after some time Arya said -"Hey wait where are we going right now ,why we need to enter your college.Are we.." Aaravi gang said -"yes".Arya and Arjun said -"No way don't be silly why would we need to visit your college", Aaravi went infront of Arya and hold his hand and said -"To experience the really happiness of college life "and dragged him ,Artha and Kushi took Arjun with them .Now let's see the craziness of them in the next chapter.(hope you guys are enjoying the story.)(I'm really sorry for my mistakes .I promise you guys that I'll update all my story in correct time ,hope you guys will support me and enjoy the story . Sorry once again thank you )