
What's Wrong With Arjun

Ok now let's see how our gang members plus Arya and Arjun are going to celebrate Manasa's birthday 🎉.

Arya and Arjun went to park the car and by the time Artha got a criminal idea 💡 in her mind .

"Guys listen to me carefully, so here is the things whatever I do right now right now ..., you guys are not going to question me ok , your task is to have fun that's it ok ".Artha and kushi said -"ok".As soon as Arya and Arjun came they stoped their conversation .Mmm Artha and Kushi both of them were very excited to see the show ...Aaravi said -"Ok let's ok ".Arya said ok and he went to open the gate . But Aaravi shouted loudly by saying -"Don't dare ..Arya don't even dare to touch it ".Arya questioned Aaravi by asking why.She replied -"Our owner , He and her wife are quite strict about rules over here ."Arya said -"Seriously!!, then we are going to celebrate it ".Aaravi said -"So there is only one way to you guys...and you wanna experience the enjoyment of the life right !! let me help . You need to climb the compound without making noise and get down there and you'll find a pipe which will take you to terrous.Then ... Welcome to our room ".Arya was looking at her very shocking. Aaravi by doing hand signal said -"o hello boss, where are you .Daydreaming aaa...".Arya said -"Are you kidding me , you want me to climb such a big wall without any ladder or steps . Don't make fun of me just go and call Manasa , we'll celebrate her birthday outside I'll book a restaurant we'll celebrate there ."Aaravi said -"Excuse me , we are leader right now you have to follow our order . We are not your PC's who are afraid to you .If you wanna continue our contract then you need to do this otherwise will be our last day.".Arjun said -"Come on Arya , they'll help us & when girls can do this then how can't we . Let's give a try , come let's go ".Arya went with Arjun after a small conversation.Aaravi in her mind -"Haaahaa Arya ..I'll show you what's the power of a medical student . I'll make you a laughing stock 😂 yes ".Artha and kushi were confused with Aaravi's plan. After a while they understood the plan and we're ready to make fun of these poor Boys .Arya and Arjun somehow managed to climb the wall , but the task was both of them were not knowing how to walk on a compound. Aaravi and her gang members said -"Don't be afraid, ok now listen walk three steps like dog 🐕..I mean bend and walk like a dog ."Haa our innocent boys followed their instructions exactly, but both of them were feeling like somthing is fishy.Aaravi said -"ok now jump slightly straight you arms up to shoulder...move five steps".They followed by saying -"are you making fun of us or trying to take revenge, you said we all are could you do like this "said Arya . Aaravi replied -"O my god , how mean .How could you talk like this Arya . Obviously we are friends how could I do such things.The compound is not straight, to maintain your body balance, we are telling you to do such things. But could you ".Hmm i know our Aaravi's acting is ultra level Arya said -"mmmm, really ok then ...hey hey. wow , we reached .Why are you guys not climbed yet "Our gang girls tried to control their laugh. Aarvi by smiling said -"Ya ya we were about climb, but suddenly I realised that we can open our cute gate to get it's easy right rather than climbing a wall 😂😂"Everyone laughed .Arya said -"seriously,how mean are you Aaravi.I thaught you are my bestfriend but you turn to be a fox with sheep mask...I just wanna slap you...y..o..u ".Artha said -"o Hello watch your mouth don't talk bullshit over here don't even dare to touch Aaravi ...What do you think your self are a hero a ...ok then slap me , come on slap on my face .I have seen a lot of guys like you who are just overacting ki dukhan ...".Arjun was simply standing over there controlling his angry but when she said overacting ki dukhan he lost his control, he came forward and slapped Artha . Arya stoped Arjun -"Arjun stop ".Aaravi with anger came and slapped Arjun without hesitation and said -"How dare you to touch her. Who the hell are you to slap her , she is our bestfriend. You don't have any right to slap here , don't show your power here because we know a lot more than you ok , so shut your mouth and just get lost from here ".Artha was very shocked and she said -"Keep this in your mind that you'll regret this . But oneday I'll get my revenge ".And she went up .Arya said -"we are really sorry...we didn't mean .. "Aaravi cut his conversation by saying -"Please just get out and never ever try to come here .I'll pay all the fine according to the contract. Don't force me to ask a help from others ".Arya took Arjun , kushi followed Artha both of them went up and asked owner key and got scolding from them .Arjun was slightly shocked because as soon as Aaravi slapped him he realised that what he did was wrong .Arya took him with him and went near car.Arya said -"What's wrong with you Arjun, I know you care about me ...but what they did was just for fun bro could you ..slap her, now everyone are mad at me and you ...Aaaaaaa my enjoyable life is ending 😭😭😭".Arjun with guilty said -"I'm.. I'm sorry Artha sorry ...I'm really sorry "."Arjun ...Arjun come to your conscious...Artha is not here ..."said Arya ."Arya ..Arya I need to see Artha I need to say sorry to them ..".Arya said -"O hello sir now it's not the right time , let them calm down first , we'll come here tomorrow and request them but how could you loose your temper and slap a girl man ".Arjun replied -"I'm sorry bro , i just lost my mind ...They were making videos and making fun of us ... that school incident made me to do so ...i just lost my control and I slapped her ....ohhh gashhhhh...Arjun what you did man ".Arya was trying to calm him and took him home .

Aaravi and her gang members went back to the room ...Aaravi and kushi hugged Artha and told not to worry..Artha -"thanks Aaravi ...Thank you so much "..Aaravi replied -"Ayyo , my dear I need to thank you ...I'm really sorry i should have slapped him more harder so that his face shape would have changed."Artha said -"yea I'll not live him , a day will come so that I can take my revenge on thim "."ok ok guys let's stop this emotional drama I'm gonna cry now ...let's think about party ".Aaravi said -"yea , wait let me prepare cake first ...then we'll go to our old place and celebrate..ok ok now guys chear up , come on "..Artha said -"There is delivery from online ...Aaravi it's yours ..""Ok let me see it , wait a minute my delivery came today right ..".Artha said -"yea ".Kushi and Artha Manasa's birthday is day after tomorrow..not tomorrow, I ordered this dress for her itself ....haaa ".Artha said -"really o my gash ".Kushi said -"ok then see you guys good night sweet dreams ❤️".Both replied good night....