
Amelia had taken a hold of the leg Shuka used to land on the ground with after she had finished her kick. Before Shuka could understand anything, Amelia heaved lifted her body from the ground, and jumped ahead, making her fall on her back with a loud bam. 

Before anyone could understand what happened, Amelia loosened her grip, climbed over Shuka's body, and trapped her in a reverse armlock. Her size was small, but she was an expert in exerting her strength at weak points. Amelia was holding the joints with a strong grip. 

Jenkins gulped and said, "Why did these two girls have such a good mastery of mixed martial art grapple locks?" 

Shi Lang smiled and said, "Because, they lack physical strength like us. The body of a female is more flexible than a male and thus they can master the grappling techniques better than us." 

Darcx nodded and asked, "I agree Captain, who will go next?" 

Jenkins said, "I will go." confidently.