Fear (2).

Inside the studies of many noble households, the light was still intense. The so-called royals were all on edge. They had been feeling suffocated in their hearts ever since this morning. 

However, while some were fearing something, some were rejoicing the way the Queen had stepped up. These were the loyalists, who believed in the judgment of the old rulers and would stick to it till the end. 

In one of the Loyalist houses, a middle-aged was sipping on a glass of wine while sitting in a rocking chair. Beside him stood a lady dressed in a sleeping robe. She asked, "Sire, what makes you so happy to even open up this wine?" 

The middle-aged man smiled and said, "You will not believe what it is." 

The lady said, "That is up to me, please, stop smiling and tell me what is going on?" 

"Today in the court..." 

While the man narrated the happenings to his wife, he also relived the movements in his mind. 
