
Shi Lang was ruthless, he did not even ask for the permission of the people and directly asked his tech expert on the ship to check into the broadcast stations and satellites. A few minutes later, every screen on the planet began to show the meeting Jill was holding with Salve. The leader of the variants was such a natural that he did not need to be guided in the ways of expression.

The leaders heard his speech, while the older ones were shocked and enraged, the younger generation felt guilty and ashamed. The prime leader stood up from his chair and smashed his communication device on the ground. He pointed his finger at Shi Lang and said, "Who gave you the right to interfere? You were hired to go and kill those vermins. Just do your job and get the hell out of my home." 

Shi Lang raised his brow and asked, "Are you sure you want to talk to me in that tone?"