Shura Realm.

Sparrow scooped up the guy and they all rushed toward the spaceport Aran had located. The few leftover forces were dealt with by the team. At this moment, they had nothing else on their mind. Jill had undone the binds of Crystal as well. They did not wish to lag behind this girl. 

Mitsu was rushing beside Sparrow, as someone with superb medical knowledge and a special ability related to the same field, she said, "It is very faint, but boss's heart is getting slower." 

The team was shocked, and Mitsu said, "It seems that his consciousness has entered a deep sleep mode, we need to take him home. The spirit energy is the only thing that can cure him." 

Crystal said, "We can take him to my home planet." 

Jill cast her a cold gaze and said, "We do not have the authority to take any decision. Sonic, take over that fucking ship already or I will skin you alive."