Sensation In The Arena.

Shi Lang surprised Crystal and the lady said, "Boss, your realm is early Nirvana. That sort of expert is not easy to find." 

Shi Lang shrugged his shoulders and said, "I will not use my spirit arts, and just fight with my physique, and I can limit my output to match the realm of my opponent." 

Crystal thought about it and said, "Boss, why don't you wait here, and I will go and talk to the people in the administration office. I will make things clear to them." 

Shi Lang nodded and just when Crystal was about to get out of the box, he said, "Contact that Killer Bride." 

Crystal was confused but then she nodded. It was not unusual for high-ranking people to take a liking to an impressive warrior. She was not a fool to not understand what was going on inside Shi Lang's mind. This young Terran was already thinking about integrating two worlds together.