Starting Line.

Shi Lang was standing inside the ring. Tex was standing in front of him with shock written on his face. He could understand what Shi Lang was talking about. 

While he was thinking about what Shi Lang preached, he could sense that the threshold of his breakthrough was loosening a little. The thought process had been initiated and he said, "I acknowledge you as my friend from now on. In the entire citadel, if you have any trouble or someone bothers you, call for me, I will not let you down."

Shi Lang smiled and said, "I accept your friendship, Master Tex. I hope that you can cash in on this opportunity."

Tex laughed and said, "Will borrow your auspicious words, Brother Lang."

Shi Lang smiled and then he asked, "Anyone else who would like to spar with me?"

Announcer Xiao Ling stepped in before anyone from the crowd could reply and said, "Master Shi Lang, please spare us some business. The people here are all waiting for the matches they have bet on."