Helping Hand.

Shi Lang waved his hand, and the body was thrown at the feet of five fairies. The five ladies took a few steps back, and Shi Lang landed before them. He dispelled the domain and said, "Fairy Ying, this corpse can serve as evidence against the force this guy belonged to." 

Ying Yu realized his intentions and nodded. She was about to accept the corpse when she gazed at her junior sister, who understood the intention and moved closer to the corpse. She removed the space ring and bought it for Ying Yu. 

The lady thought momentarily and said, "Fellow Daoist Ace, do you wish to partake in anything inside this ring?" 

Shi Lang shook his head, and with a flick of his hand, the overlord spear appeared in his hand. He asked, "If you do not mind, can I take this spear?"