Valley Of The Lost.

Shi Lang bade farewell to the group and left the place. He was not in a hurry now. Almost all his doubts had been clarified. Even if the target did not come to the Valley of the Lost, he would still know who this guy was. Shi Lang would infiltrate the Lost Bird Sect if needed. 

His resolve was firm as he rode the back of his Lightning Mane horse. The terran did not fly all around the sky because he still had the chance to consolidate his cultivation realm while riding the horse. He was at the initial level of the Immortal Lord realm. He needed to strengthen himself and had little time to show off needlessly. 

Shi Lang rode quickly through the woods and the dirt paths. The lightning leopard was sitting on the head of the black horse, almost completely shrouded in the thick black mane. The terran closed his eyes and legs folded in the lotus position.