Mind Game.

The Elder told the girls about what the content inside the bottle was; she said, "Do you know that one drop of liquid spirit is sold of hundred thousand top-grade spirit stones? I have seen Immortal Sovereign-level alchemists going crazy for it. One drop can help increase the grade of a medium-level pill to the top level, and ten drops can raise a top-level pill to a supreme grade." 

Yu Ying raised her brows and exclaimed, "Elder, are you exaggerating?" 

The old lady sighed and said, "I wish I could be, but this is a fact. You can take this bottle to Sister Kami, and she will tell you if I am telling you the truth or not." 

Amelia was stunned. She was not clueless about the way things worked in the immortal plain anymore. The Elder continued, "If you add ten drops of this bottle into a medicated bath, it will increase the efficiency of the bath by a hundredfold. This liquid is the best remedy to clear the blocked meridians or make them stronger."