Scavenging Is An Art.

The entire Forger City woke up from the roar that originated from the Zhu family mansion. Yang Tie was sitting on the ground; he propped up to his feet in a hurry and said, "Seal the pavilion. Increase the security!" 

Shi Lang had instructed him before entering the Zhu Family. They had to play decoys. Yang Tie picked up his sword and dashed out of the room. The entire pavilion was alerted, and Bo Qingtan and Yun Xue came out, too. They did not know what was going on. They looked around and found each other. 

They found it odd that Shi Lang was missing; they quickly approached his room and saw him calmly walking out of it. He asked, "What is going on?" 

Yun Xue shrugged, and Bo Qingtan said, "We should look for the Pavilion Master; it was his voice earlier." 

Shi Lang nodded, and they moved to look for Yang Tie. The pavilion lord instructed the head of security to strengthen the defense around the place. When he saw Shi Lang walking up to him, he froze.