It's Time.

All the elders were sitting on their designated chairs inside the Elder Hall. Hou Bing and the lady with fox tails were given the Sect Master and Great Elders chair to show respect to their stature. The two of them did not deny it either. 

Shi Lang looked at Hou Bing and asked, "Why did you stop me from ascending? Do you know how hard it is to do it again?" 

The people all nodded internally, but Cao Ming wanted to tell Shi Lang to hold back on his vexed tone. However, Hou Bing sighed and said, "Lang, if you were to breakthrough at this moment, you might become the strongest person in the history but it would still be not enough to realize your wish to find her." 

When everyone heard her words they looked at Shi Lang, most of the people did not know his background in the hall, apart from the Sect Master, and Cao Ming.