"Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Phone Call Phone Call, Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Phone Call Phone Call."
The video phone picked up and revealed Professor Oak who seemed to be writing a poem.
"Hello, Professor Oak, it's Hu Tao, I called to check something with you,"
Professor Oak looked at me before answering, "Wow, you look like a soaked Charizard,"
Referencing my hair and clothes dripping with water with parts of hair were singed from stray flamethrowers from Gyarados.
I sighed as my shoulders hunched, "I definitely feel like one as well."
I saw as he quirked his eyebrow as if he was asking a question and then I went to answer the unanswered question, "I just caught these two Pokemon I want nothing to do with, but I have no idea on where I can trade them,"
"Well Hu Tao, all Pokemon are special and you must give them at least a chance to see if you liked them, and form bonds with them."
I sighed once again before saying, "Well, maybe it will convince you if I showed you the information."
I placed my Pokedex into the section and sent him information on my caught data.
Professor Oak flipped the minimal information of my Pokedex as I saw his eyes widen and his mouth opened slightly.
"Maybe you are right, a Gyarados and Primeape may be too much for a new trainer of three days."
I nodded as I went to ask, "Professor Oak, Do you know about the Pokemon Trainer Bicycle contest?"
Professor Oak who seemed to deal with something off-screen twisted his head to me at an unnatural speed.
"You know about that promotion?"
I nod as I answered, "Yes, I entered it yesterday, this was the entire reason that I actually caught Gyarados and Primeape, I can't actually control them at all, Charmander isn't anywhere strong enough to keep me actually safe from them."
The Professor nodded, "I see, I'll take them off your hands for the time being and look into something for you."
I smiled hearing this, "Thank you, professor, next time I call."
I hung the call and looked at the rumble around me, it was still in the middle of reconstruction.
{Hu Tao, come to the front desk Please}
I snapped out my thoughts and went to pick up Charmander and send off Gyarados and Primeape.
The Bicycle Shop store bell rang as I walked through as I saw the old man who was still fixing the same bicycle from two days ago.
The old man looked up and sighed, "Why do you always come during my closing times."
I shrugged my shoulders and went to hand him the filled-out page, "I finished it, I almost regret entering this contest."
He looked confused hearing this and then looked at the pictures, his eyes widen as he saw the pictures, "HaHA!"
He pointed at the Gyarados picture, "What did you do, steal its children or something?"
I shook my head a no," No, no, I insulted it and then threw a Primeape at it."
He looked at me and shook his head, he took out a folder display and placed it in the folder display book.
He then gave me the book as I placed it in my backpack.
"The first person to complete the first page, but the second page is already completed by both contestants, your next page is in Viridian Forest."
I nod as I left the shop and headed towards Viridian Forest.