Current Pokemon:
Pharaoh- Growlithe
Percy awoke with a child crawling on his back. His face was down in the splintery table and he could smell cooking soup. He raised his head and was greeeted with the faces of 5 children.
He sat up and realized that a child was on his back. "Good morning Percy." Ishigami said. Percy turned to see Ishigami with an apron on and a soup ladle in his hand. Percy squinted his eyes in confusion. "Soup will be ready in a couple of minutes. Zach can you set the table." Ishigami turned around back in the kitchen.
A boy of about 12 years old started setting wooden bowls and spoons on the table. Although there were only 4 chairs it seemed the children stood around the table. Percy stood up with the child on his back and set the boy on the chair.
He stood up looking at all the faces that surrounded him. Ishigami entered the room with a large pot of soup and a ladle. He spooned soup into all the bowls and set the pot on the table. Percy picked up his soup and quickly drank and ate it while standing.
The soup compared to the soup he had last night was significantly better. It wasn't so thin. Although it had no spices and was just meat, there was still more pieces of meat in the bowl. The soup had more nutrients and was thick with fat from the Furret and Sentret. Percy thanked Ishigami for the meal. "Thank you. This is so good." He said in between breaths.
Most of the kids were extremely surprised at the contents of the soup. One of the kids spoke up, "What's different about this soup big bro Ishigami?" The kids nodded their head in agreement.
Ishigami smiled at the table and turned to Percy. "Percy went and got us a bunch more food to use for the house." All of the children thanked Percy profusely. Percy only smiled and nodded while backing out of the room.
He retreated to the kitchen where he saw the skins of 4 Sentret and 3 Furret sitting on the wooden counter. Ishigami had prepared and properly skinned the Pokémon leaving full skins of fur. Ishigami followed Percy into the kitchen where he saw Percy staring at the skins. "Do you need anything that these skins can be made into. Blankets or jackets." Percy asked.
"Some real blankets will be nice." Ishigami commented.
Percy nodded, "Is there a skin treater in this town?"
"Yeah, he treats and makes blankets and stuff."
"How much would it cost?"
"About 100 pokedollars."
Percy picked up the skins and walked toward the door. "Which direction?" He said.
"Go to the right outside the door and you'll see it if you walk straight." Ishigami directed. Percy left the house and followed the directions that Ishigami gave him. He needed to accomplish as much as possible before he had to leave and accompany the Honey Clan girl. He only had four days left and then he would have to leave the town to make it to the clan in time.
Soon enough, Percy laid his eyes on a small stall with treated Pokémon skins and other things being sold by a man. The stall looked to be of poor quality and couldn't be compared to something that Percy might've seen in Honey City.
The stall was uneven on one side causing the sign that said 'Skin treating and making' to be crooked. Percy walked up to the stall and greeted the man who looked exhausted. "Yo."
The man sighed and turned to Percy, "We don't sell food or meat. Now buzz off." Percys arms were full of skins so he didn't know why the man thought he wanted meat.
"Can you treat these furs or not?" Percy asked. "I need blankets and I don't have the time to screw around."
The man woke from whatever stupor he was in and he looked at the skins Percy carried. "You want blankets?" Percy nodded. "I can do that, yeah, how big you want them?" The man asked.
"Big enough for me to be in and not have a part of me sticking out." Percy explained. He threw the furs on the stall.
"Okay, I can make two blankets with this much."
"How much will it cost." Percy asked.
"One hundred each. And it'll take an hour to finish each." The man said.
Percy nodded and gave the man 100 pokedollars and said, "The last half will be given when I receive it. I'll be back in two hours." The man only nodded and set diligently to his work. Percy walked back to the house where he entered to children running around and playing with toys.
Amelia and Sasha played with the children while Ishigami was in deep discussion with his Pokémon. Most of the children avoided the ghost types as they exuded an unpleasant energy and looked scary. Percy walked up to Ishigami and started discussing their current situation.
They talked for a good while and informed each other on a lot of things. Percy told Ishigami that he could only help out for 4 more days and then he had to leave. Ishigami was surprised at the information but respected Percys time.
Ishigami informed Percy on when the Rattata and Raticate will most likely attack. Around noon the Rattata will lay siege on the outskirts of the town. Mostly Rattata that are meant to tire the defense will be first but then powerful Raticate will come in and kill the exhausted defenders.
Ishigami told Percy that the Raticate will be level 30 at that point and the town would sustain major casualties. Normally Ishigami will actually participate in the Rattata battle because the Rattata will have a hard time harming his ghost type Pokémon.
He just has to be careful of the Pokémon that know dark type moves. But since his Pokémon can levitate above the enemies it's no big deal. Ishigami also elaborated on his aura type. Specifically his aura type is called Astral Hands.
Percy had heard of aura types that grew extra and bigger limbs but they never had the word astral in front of them. Then Ishigami explained that his arms are special in a way that they can grab onto not physical things.
For example normal arms wouldn't be able to block Supersonic but Ishigami blocked it with relative ease. Apparently Astral Arms could also grab onto ghost type Pokémon when they are in their invulnerable mode.
That's how he caught his Haunter, he grabbed the Pokémon and shook it around until it surrendered. Ishigami had only unlocked his aura months ago and was still relatively weak with them. He could make it so that his hands fazed through solid things but his control was horrendous.
While Percy was chatting with Ishigami, Zach, the oldest child, walked to Percy with something behind his back. "Excuse me. Mr. Percy." Zach said.
"What's up."
"I am very thankful for you saving Suzy and providing us with food. So I will give you this mask that I've been working on." Zach gave Percy a gift.
Percy turned the mask in his hands inspecting it. The mask was made of thin wood that had been poorly carved into a circular shape. On the front of the mask a painted face of a Koffing stared at Percy.
Holes had been cut at the eyes and mouth to allow sight and breathing if the mask was on. Percy smiled at the 12 year old boy and thanked him. The boy blushed in embarrassment and left to go play with the other kids.
Ishigami sighed and put his face in his hands. "I think that I'll stay with the kids today instead of participating in the defense. The raids have been getting more and more deadly and I think the Rattata will break the line today. Even though I'm close to getting a megastone for my contribution I can't risk their lives."
"Can I expand upon your contributions to get a mega stone?" Percy asked. He wanted to get a mega stone for Ishigami before he left since Ishigami already had so much responsibility.
Ishigami thought for a second before standing up. "Let's go find out. I'll be right back Amelia!" Ishigami called as he left the house with Percy. Then Ishigami took Percy to the Rangers Office in the town where they talked to a Ranger who orchestrated the defenses.
Rangers are like a police force that deals mostly with Pokémon related problems in the general public. Ishigami asked the man if contribution can be traded from person to person.
Contribution is how the town decided to measure on wether someone had done enough to contribute to the well being of the town to earn a mega stone. The miners designed the system to help develop the town into something real and something that can flourish. "What's your name?" The Ranger asked.
The Ranger went through files until he came across a file with Ishigamis name on it. "Here we go." He opened the file and read through it. "Alright, so you have 80% contribution and have nothing but great things posted here about you. You've saved people on the battle field and are currently helping out at an orphanage.
And if we count that as contributing than you have enough for a mega stone . Do you wish to collect that now?" The man asked. Ishigami was stunned but nodded. He never knew that saving people on the battlefield or helping the orphanage counted as a contribution.
His only motivation to do those things was to help people and that was it. 'They record all the times I had helped people on the battlefield.' Ishigami thought to himself.
"Alright then. I'm going to run this paperwork and I'll bring you your mega stone." The man left and returned about 10 minutes later with a paper bag and more formal documents. "Alright, I just need you to sign this. This pretty much states that you received your mega stone and we can erase your contributions currently on your paper." The man explained.
'They really take this seriously.' Percy thought. Ishigami signed the paper and took the paper bag which he opened. After realizing he couldn't tell what megastone it was off the top of his head he closed the bag and stored it in his Pokédex.
The Ranger turned to Percy and said, "I don't think I've seen you around here. What's your name."
"Percy, but I don't think I've created a profile or anything." Percy said. Regardless the man went through his recent files and pulled one out.
"The description here looks like you. It says you have a Croconaw, may I see it." The man stated.
Percy shrugged and let out Crash. "There's no one else with a Croconaw here so who else could this be?" The man said.
Percy was confused for a second before realizing what had happened. 'One of those people I worked with must have made a profile for me.'
The man pointed and made a 'now this makes sense' face. "It says here that this profile was made by Gronk after the Zubat raid yesterday. You defeated 40+ Pokémon and have saved the lives of at least 3 people bringing your total contribution to 60% percent. Let me take a picture of you and add you to the file and you guys can be on your way." The man snapped a picture and turned around to do his business.
Percy and Ishigami stood there awkwardly waiting for the man. A few minutes later the man stood up and shook hands with the boys. "Are both of you boys going to participate in the defense against the Rattata today?"
Ishigami shook his head, "Only he will."
"I see. Let's get you set into a squadron then." The man wrapped an arm around Percys shoulder and guided him away leaving Ishigami standing there. An hour later Percy was geared in crappy leather armor and standing in the middle of a field.
He had just gone through a education lesson on what to do as a defender. Most of the 'lesson' contained things like destroy the enemy and don't let the enemy pass. He didn't need a half an hour lesson on that and his enthusiasm to help the town had never been lower.
Almost immediately after he was introduced to a group of people who were introduced as his new squadron. At best it could be called group of people that have been tasked with the security of the town. Two of the people were farmers and the others were normal citizens with stronger than average Pokémon.
Both of the farmers had Rattata and the other people had a Furret and a Pidgeotto. None of their Pokémon were above level 22 and Percy could probably beat all their Pokémon with just Crash. There was a 'leader' of the squadron that seemed to be a young inexperienced Ranger.
He seemed to be only a couple of years older than Percy and Percy could tell the man was very nervous which was not a good thing to be if you're a leader. Then Percy was shoved into the field where the Rattata would be attacking any second.
Percy was told that all he had to do was last until the Raticate come and then older and stronger trainers will take over and confront the Raticate. Percy had Crash and Fúria out at the moment surveying the grassy fields around them. "Keep yourselves safe at all costs. Don't overextend." Percy advised his Pokémon.
A few meters away from him the other people stood with their Pokémon. They seemed slightly nervous but have already gone through this before. The lack of sound coming from their surroundings was concerning to say the least and Percy found a small ripple in the grass. 'Here we go.'