The troubles of a Crime Overlord.

(Pov, Sally.)

I kick open the door of my base of operations, a slightly better warehouse than that of what I found Torchwick squatting in.

"Torchwick!" I shout for my 'adviser' as he called himself.

"Yes boss?" he asks back a bit concerned as I don't usually shout.

"You messed up Torchwick." I say to him with a cold tone my magic beginning to flare and quite possibly signal to someone like Oz to where I am.

"W-what do you mean?" he asks.

"The mission at the docks." I state.

"What happened?" Torchwick was very nervous at how candid I was being after shouting for him.

"'What happened' I'll tell you what happened Torchwick, it went awry, a small-time gang that you told me not to be worried about came in guns blazing and a huntress-in-training would have died had I not been there." I say with a neutral tone with underlaying anger.

"A-ah, I see." Torchwick tries to not sound so scared but failed.

"This wouldn't have been a problem had you not told me I did not need to worry about the small-time gangs, that I should as Crime Overlord 'need not worry about the small fry' well, I had to reveal myself to not only a huntress-in-training and her team, but to the synth girl as well, so Torchwick, any last words before I possibly torture you for trying to sabotage my reign?" I ask, the fury in my voice barely contained.

"Wait, I never thought that they would band together and try and fight you, they never did with me!" Torchwick stated.

"Poor choice of last words, but to explain why they didn't come together to oust you, is because you didn't call yourself the ruler of crime, nor were you any big threat to them." I said and some magic circles appeared in front of my hands.

Before I could begin torturing Torchwick via magical means, a grunt came barreling in.

"Boss! Boss!" The grunt shouted.

"Yes, what is it?" I ask the grunt that saved Torchwicks hide.

"Boss! The headmaster of beacon is here!" The grunt said.

"Well, took him long enough, I was flaring my magic quite a bit there, he must have been busy with team RWBY." I said to no one.

"Torchwick, you get to live untortured another day, take everyone and go to the secondary base, Neo is already there." I say to Torchwick.

"You, go with him and help out best you can." I say to the grunt.

I then walk to the front door of the warehouse to say hello to the wizard of Oz.

"So, you are the 'pretty lady' who saved miss Rose's life?" Oz asked in a tone that at first seemed skeptical before gaining an undertone of malice.

"That's me, though, I do go by Sally rather than 'pretty lady' however I will take the girls complement even if she didn't intend for me to hear it." I introduced myself and enjoyed being called pretty from someone I liked.

"What do you hope to gain here from this facade, Salem?" Ozpin states like he saw through some disguise.

"I doubt you are willing to listen to me, but I will try and explain this to you, I am not Salem, I am Sally, I just look like how Salem used to be, and-" Before I could say anymore, I was interrupted by Oz.

Ozpin fired a green laser at me, not sure what he was thinking, because he knew from jinn that he couldn't defeat Salem, and he thought I was Salem.

"Do not try and trick me Salem! You and I are the only two aside from the maidens who could use magic and I know you used it to save that girls life and I want to know why!" It seems Oz has had enough being civil.

"Because I like her?" I ask like it was an obvious thing, and he was dumb for thinking otherwise.

Before Oz could go on some tirade about how he knew I was trying to get to the girl and indebt her in my service, he was interrupted by a voice behind him.

"Really?" asked Ruby Rose, who somehow followed Oz, getting away from both Goodwitch and her team, and snuck up on the wizard, the plot is strong with this one.

"Of course, I do swing that way by the way, thus disproving your accusations of me being your wife Mr. Immortal wizard." I affirm Ruby before getting a stinger in Oz's side casually mentioning several things that not most would know.

I walk past him and dispel whatever it was he was trying to cast to try and abate my walking towards Ruby Rose.

"I like you Ruby Rose, your constant persistence to do good, your whole wanting everyone to get along, and how you want to be a hero." I stand before the young girl, with her looking up at me.

"You, Ruby Rose, are amazing." I say, before hugging the girl, she stutters quite a bit from her position in my breasts looking up at me, her face is also redder than that cape she has.

Of course, since it isn't time for such 'filth' yet, her team shows up with Goodwich in tow, Oz is off to the side constantly trying to do anything to get me to let go of Ruby, like shoot more lasers, I am however blocking him constantly.

"Ruby! Why did you run off to follow the headmaster?!" Weiss asks, not noticing the girl's current predicament.

"Yes, I too would like to know that, but I have a guess, after the young girl mentioned me in some fashion that caught the attention of Oz over there, he must have felt my pulse of magic, and came running to what he thought was his evil ex-wife who also used magic, and Ruby thinking that he might know me, came along to ask some questions." I said in a no-nonsense kind of tone.

The new arrivals now noticed the young Rose's current placement in my arms with her head poking out of my mammaries.

Que the JoJo To Be Continued music!

(A/N ok, finally have these two chapters to how I wanted them, now to go and die again to write more of this at some other point, Peace!)