"So only villians can see this bar, heh that's good to know" said victor as he now looked at the shinning light that was coming from the window.
As the light touched him he felt his body getting light. He looks down and sees the smoke that has always been around his body was now disappearing. As he watched the entire smike get off his body he sees a tuxedo on his body. "Well I don't have to worry about getting clothes no more" thought victor.
He then looked at his hand and noticed that they were completely white. The color looked at as if he hadn't been given any sunlight his entire life.
He walks to a nearby window and looks at it and sees his eyes were completely different from his previous ones. His previous ones were brown, but these were either white or just the lighter version of gray and his hair was also completely white as well.
Victor inspects his eyes for a bit. "Man I look like Dracula if he had white eyes" said victor as he began to laugh outloud. He wasn't filled with dread or anything close to that, but instead was very happy. "Also I look very good if I do say so myself" said victor as he inspected his facial features.
After he was done inspecting his face he was about to leave until he rememberedone key detailon where his bar is located "Wait this is a villian zone, so I should most likely merge with Troupe and cloud" said victor as he looked at the two.
"If you two don't mind I would like to merge with you two" Hearing what victor said both cloud and Troupe didn't resist nor fought back against his words. Victor began to merge with the two and when it was done he felt the same thing as he felt when he merged with Troupe, as light as a feather. Maybe even lighter.
Victor opend the door and walked out. He was greeted by a flash of light, causing victor to close his eyes a bit. When he opend his eyes he was greater by buildings that were like his but way less modern. "If I remember from history class these types of buildings should be from the 2000s era."
The buildings were that of regular every apartments, skyscrapers, and shops.
As victor looked around he felt a sudden cramp in his body. "Gah" victor felt his whole body cramping up in him "is this what happens when you work out for two weeks with out stopping that much."
Victor began to stretch his body causing the cramps to disappear, it felt like they were seeping out of him. Ubenounced to him the feeling that he felt was seeping out of him. The thing seeping out of him was none other than his ability [Monster creation].
What the system didn't tell him was that when he creates creatures and merges with them, he would release a feeling of horror, despare, and fear that would affect anyone who was weaker than him.
And so the ordinary citizens that were walking by him felt the feeling of death. As if they would die if they stayed in the area any longer. Several of them began to run, while a few called local police thinking that a villian was nearby and had a malicious intent.
They were not wrong about the villian part, but victor didn't have any malicious intentions.
As victor finished his stretching he looks around and noticed that there were people running away. "Did something scare them?" thought victor "meh doesn't matter to me" victor than began to take a stroll down the street.
At a nearby police station "Hello this is 911 what's your emergency? You think there is a villian near you and you want us to investigate it."
The police station at this time were getting flooded by phone calls, many were about people getting into a car crash and others about suspicious people.
For the suspicious people part many cops were sent out to investigate. When one of the cops received a call about a villian being nearby he hesitated a bit before he gave the caller an answer. "Ok we'll send someone to investigate this."
The caller hung up and sighed "man people are calling non-stop saying there is a villian nearby." "Your telling me. I just had a call saying a villian just stole someone's clothing bag and that they want us to arrest them" said another cop as he leaned back in his chair.
"Well either way we have to send people out to investigate this. Who to send this time. I guess we should send out the newbies right, just for them to get used to what we do right." The police officer then grabbed his radio and began to talk into it "Can officer Mary and Tim come to the investigation room."
Couple minutes later two people walked in. One was a women who had a beautiful face and a slim body that attracted most of the male police officers. While the other one was a short blonde guy who seemed to be very nervous. "Were here sir!" said the two.
"Ok you two head down Maryroad 1762 and see if you can find a man with white hair and eyes wearing a butler outfit. We have suspicions that he is a villian so if he tries to resist you are allowed to shoot him with the ability blocker. You got me?"
Hearing what their first task on the job would be they swallowed their saliva and responded "We do sir!"
"Ok you two can head out now" as the officer waves his hand.
The two walk out of the investigation room and walk to the garage.
"Man I'm nervous aren't you nervous too Mary?" said the small blonde man, as his body could be seen shaking. He then felt a slap on his back.
"Don't worry tim" said Mary as she continues "patting" Tim on his back. "It's our first task and boss won't send us off in a dangerous mission. Besides if it is a really dangerous man we have the ability blocker" said Mary as she pulled out a cube out of her holster.
"Yeah, yeah your right it is our first task. So boss won't make us take a task that is to dangerous for us" said time as his body stopped shaking. They reached the garage and get into a car.
They begin to drive to the road where the suspicious person was sayed to be at.
Back on victors side, he could be seen walking down a street looking into nearby buildings. He could see various posters of what he believed to be heros up on the wall. "Huh even though this is supposed to be a villian zone or turf there are a lot of posters of heros?
Do they not have any fear on a villian attacking them or something like that? Are the heros that strong." said victor as he continued walking down the street.
He looked around more and saw various stores nearby such as a tailor, a library, a gunshop, and what he believed is a supermarket.
He continued to walk to down the street and stopped when the street he was on ended with a dead end. "Why did they make a building here, it interrupted the nice walk I just had" said victor as he sighed and turned around.
As he did he saw a police car driving into his direction. The police car then turns on its siren "Huh did something happend?"
He then realized that the police car was driving in his direction. It then stopped on the road to the right of him.
After the car stopped moving and the sirens were turned off two people came out of the car.
One was a a women who appeared to be in her 20's who had a slim body and a decent face structure.
The other one was what victor thought was her son coming out of the car. To victor this kid had to be at least ten years old.
"Hello officer is there anything I can help you with?" The officer did not reply for a bit, but then shook her head violently and looked at victor.
"I'm going to need you to put your hands were I can see them or else I'm going to need to use force." The women said as she pulled out the cube.
"What did I do!" said victor as he raised both his hands into the air. "We have been given reports of you acting suspicious and that you might be a villian. So were going to take you back to the police station for further investigation."
Hearing her response victor had one thought of the situation "Well that's just plain stupid."
The kid then walked behind victor and reached for his hands. "Uh are you sure you want your son to be near a potential villian?"
There was silence for a bit but one could hear giggling. Both Tim and victor turned their heads and saw Mary holding in her laughter. "M-Mary can you please stop laughingat me" pleaded Tim as he got really embarrassed to see Mary laughing at him. "Ah~ ok I'll stop laughing" said Mary as she took a deep breath.
"Where were we again? Oh yeah arresting that man" as both Mary and Tim turn to where victor was the could see him no longer there.
"Huh! where'd he go" the two looked down and the street and could see victor running away at full speed. "Hey stop" yelled Tim as both he and Mary began to run after victor.
As the three of them ran it was very obvious who was quicker. "How is that kid catching up to me" said victor as he saw Tim bolting towards him.
"If I remember my Agility Stat should be in the thirty's which was beyond the athletic stage. Does that kid have an ability then!"
As victor ran for his life he saw a nearby ally way to his right and a idea popped into his head.
He ran into the ally way and when the two police officers came they couldn't see him anywhere. "Where did he go" said Mary as she looked down the ally and could only see a trash cans and bags on the ground.
"Check the trash cans, he is probably hiding in one of them" the two began to open the trash cans one by one.
As they were doing that Victor could be seen putting both his feet and hands onto two walls keeping him from falling onto the ground face first. "Hey there is another ally way here he could have gone through here" "Ok let's go then."
Once the two left victor fell down onto the ground and ran back to his bar. "I'm so glad I never stopped watching those cheesy cop and robber movies."
Once he reached back to his bar he decided to just relax the rest of the day. He unmerged with cloud and Troupe allowing them to move freely. The two when they were unmerged seemed to be a bit tired "I guess they are aggected by how I mentally feel."
Victor then heads behind the counter and lays down onto the floor falling asleep. The sigh of victor sleeping caused cloud and Troupe to join him.
The three of them fell into deep sleep and drifted off into dream land. They fell asleep for the rest of the entire day.