Creating third monster

"Hey I think your group isn't coming inside" I say to the man who is now at this point just doing a dance, while making a big racket. "Huh how do you know about my men" the man says to me dumbfounded. "It's pretty obvious that you are signaling for something and also I just know."

"Well it doesn't matter cause I have this" the man then reaches inside his pockets and pulls out card. I look at him weirdly, the man then pulls up his phone and says "If you don't sign this card I'll call the cops and have this place shut down!"

"What?" I say out loud "How does that work?" but before I could say that line a notification popped up.

[Task has been made]

[Task: Silence the dumb man Infront of you before he calls the cops and has the bar closed down. Rewards: A new creature with an S rank ability will be created by the system and will have the same stats as you weakest creature]

This has to be one of the easiest ways to get a creature with a S Rank ability. All I have to do is silence the man and I complete the task.

I look at cloud and Troupe, who are to my right and absorbed them into my body. The sight made the man scared, seeing what he thought were kids turn into smoke and be absorbed into a bartender.

I use clouds [Thunder dome] ability and shoot it at the man. The blue ball flies towards the man and as it hits his chest a dome made out of electricity spreads out from where the blue ball was at. It didn't harm the man, but did destroy his clothing and phone. "Huh!" said the man, but before he did anything else I used [Shadow floor] and soon the bar was turned into a nightmare

Boney hands began to appear in dark spots and try to grab onto anything nearby. I cancel [Thunder dome] since his phone was now gone. This act allowed the hands to move towards the man "W-what are these" the man said scared at what was going on. A hand grabbed his ankle and he tried to kick it off, but felt his feet were sinking.

He looked down and saw his feet sinking into a dark hole below him "What's happening!?" More hands began to grab onto him making the process of him sinking more quicker. When only his upper part of his body remained he looked at me and said "Please help me, I was only ordered to do this."

The hands stop pulling the man into the black abyss that he was about to be sent to. This act gave him hope "Who sent you, and you better answer truthfully since if you lie the hands will drag you more." The man nods his head vigorously.

"I was sent by my boss to try to close this bar or to take it from you, since his three children came here and loved it a lot." I try to remember if I met any kids and remember the three kids that came in and the notification about a high ranking villain being nearby. "So that's what happened" I say I then walk back to the counter and look at the man.

The hands once again began to drag him back into the darkness "w-wait we had a deal" he says with a crazed look. "We didn't make a deal" I say to him. Before he could say anything else his entire body disappeared into the darkness and the hole then fully closed.

"System does the hole open up when light shines in that area or?"

[It won't, it will only release its contents when light shines onto the hole when it's there or when the host wants to]

"So does that mean he has been silenced?" A notification appeared to answer my question

[Host has completed task]

[Host will now receive their promised rewards]

I then felt a strange feeling inside my chest.

"Wait did you already create it, why didn't I chose its ability?" I say confused.

[The host didn't have a choice in the creatures ability, this was stated by the system]

It was true that the system would choose the ability and not the host. There was nothing that I could do. I begin the process of releasing the monster, but instead of the usual pain I felt normal.

When the process was done something weird came out of my chest. Instead of the normal humanoid creature that usually came out, since both Troupe and Cloud. Well actually Troupe isn't a humanoid she is more of a pillow or something along the lines of that.

Anyway this monster looked like a wolf pup but had wings on its back and its fur was blue. "Huh what is your ability that made you like this" I say as I pet its head. It doesn't pull its head back like what cloud and Troupe did when they met me. It instead moved its head and allowed me to pet it.

This took me by surprise and made feel weird inside. I smile and pull up its stat page.

Name: None

Rank: F

Ability: Below zero

Strength: 4

Durability: 13

Agility: 26

Intelligence: 5

Ability: 20

[Below Zero. Rank S. Effect- the user is able to turn their body into snow and when the user touches someone while in this form their body will experience hyperthermia and will spread throughout their body in seconds]

I read its Ability and am dumbfounded by what it is does. This ability does deserve the Rank S category. Like it gave its victim frost bite that spreads to the rest of the body in seconds, that's a very good ability.

I look at the wolf and come up with its name "I'll call you snow."

Name: Snow

Rank: F

Ability: Below zero

Strength: 4

Durability: 13

Agility: 26

Intelligence: 5

Ability: 20

[Below Zero. Rank S. Effect- the user is able to turn their body into snow and when the user touches someone while in this form their body will experience hyperthermia and will spread throughout their body in seconds]

Snow licked my hand and I petted its fur expecting it to be warm, but it felt rather could and smooth. I continued to pet it for a bit and then stopped when he fell as sleep. I know it's a he since when I was rubbing its belly I felt something coverd in fur. I avoided that area and continued to pet him.

With him asleep I look at the other two and see they are also asleep. I look outside the window and see people are outside still. "Hey snow I'm sorry but we have to deal with rude people" upon hearing this snow got up and began to growl a bit at the direction of the door. This caused the other two to wake up and be on gaurd.

I merge with both Troupe ans Cloud but not snow seeing what his ability does before I use it.

We walk outside and see several suited men outside the door looking baffled at my appearance. I then heard mumbling of "how did he open that" and "where is the boss."

Soon snow came out and the group of men took a couple steps back seeing snows appearance. "Are waiting for your boss, if you are he is gone. And so will you if you don't leave."

Hearing this several people look at one another and began to laugh. Though not all of them laughed some, which were the smart ones in my opinion, began to run away. They were soon cussed by their people who stayed behind.

The ones that stayed looked at me and one began to walk towards me "You're funny kid" the man sayed as he patted my shoulder. As he was about to I use [Electric fur] and my clothing and skin were covered in sparks of electricity. When the man touched my shoulder he was jolted back a couple feet.

Everyone turned around and looked at the man who was just launched away by a teenager for some unknown reason. Before they could check to see if he was okay I sent several [Electric dome] at some of the men standing still that weren't paying attention. The men were then surrounded by domes of electricity and their clothing and items were disintegrated.

Hearing the racket everyone turned around and saw some of their buddies surrounded by electricity. Before they could react snow began to use his ability.

His body was turned to snow and a strong wind began to blow in our area, put in mind that we are out in the open so civilians are watching this unfold. So some of them seeing what was going on ran away and called the cops.

Of course seeing this I sent several [Thunder dome] at them stopping them from contacting and law enforcement. As I was doing this snow in his snow form began to charge at several of the men. Snow made contact with one and went through his chest. The man patted his chest for a bit and sighed for a bit seeing that nothing happened to him.

He then felt numbness in his chest, he unbuttoned his suit and moved his shirt and saw his skin turning blue. He was about to freak out, but stopped when his vision turned black. This happened to several of the men who were attacked in the chest. Those who weren't began to see their own skin turn blue at a fast pace.

When I finished getting all of the civilians trapped in a electrical dome I finally turned around saw what happened. I see snow finishing the last guy of as he bit on the man's neck and the skin soon turned blue. Knowing his fate I look at them and walk towards him. I put my hand where his heart was and pull my hand back. I then swiftly punch hard where his heart was and the man vomited blood before he breathed his last breath. I stand up and begin to walk back into the bar.

After entering I vomit onto the ground "Oh god I just ended someone's life." The man that I sent to the dark hole wasn't dead just sealed away unable to do anything until I released him. So this was the first time I ever saw someone die.

Troupe and Cloud soon come out of my body and look at me with worry in their eyes. "I'm ok just a bit freaked out that's all" I say to them as I walk to a nearby chair and sit on it. I try to cope with what just happened and after I calmed down I say to myself "I am a villain there are going to be a lot of deaths, so me seeing bodies will be normal in the future."

I look at the three who were looking at me with worry and close my eyes.


"What do you think happened to father" my sister says to me, she is the one my father named cloud. "I don't know" I say, I am named Troupe by my father. "New brother do you know what happened" cloud sayed to the one father calls snow.

"He freaked out when he saw the bodies of the enemies that I helped kill" I thought for a bit and realized what's wrong with father. "Maybe he isn't use to killing" I say to my two siblings. The two look at me and agree with me "Yeah this might be his first time" cloud says. "Most likely" said snow.

"Father shouldn't kill if he doesn't want to" says cloud as she looks at the two of us, me and snow nod our heads in confirmation. "Ok from now on we will kill for father until he is able to kill without freaking out" I say and the other two agree.