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The Gang War Part 2

As I left the gangster by himself I took out my phone and looked at the local news. It took me a couple of minutes to find it at first but I eventually found it. 

"Recent reports of the Hero organization, known as The All Fire, has begun its attack on the notorious gang called Golden Lion and has taken out several of their hangouts in Sector I, F, H, and D as well as put several corrupted members of the city council in jail. Of course these attacks have brought disasters in these sectors as many homes and businesses were destroyed in the crossfire as well as several innocent lives being taken in the pro..."

As I continue watching the news I could not help but wonder how Mr. James is doing. "I might as well continue helping these guys out since the Task hasn't been completed yet" I said to myself as I walked towards the bar's exit. "Sir, where are you going?" the gangster that I brought back with me said as he slowly got up, but quickly winced and held onto the side of his stomach.

"I'm going out to bring back any wounded members of the Golden Lion back to this bar, I would recommend you staying here to avoid the gaze of the heroes" I said as I looked at the gangster who at first had a face that said 'I want to help you', but it quickly turned into one of bitterness. "Alright sir, be safe out there" the gangster said before heading back to his chair.

"I will be" I said as I left the bar and headed towards a part of town that seemed to be the most chaotic.


"Quickly hide in that building" a man wearing black suit with a golden lion emblem on his chest said as several people, who wore the same clothes as him, quickly brought an injured man inside the building. "How is he?" the man said as he peeked out the window, while holding his gun up ready to shoot at whatever he sees moving outside.

"This guy has a piece of metal inside of his chest that we can't pull out or else he might die, so we're doing good" a man said as he examined his fellow gang member's chest. "Why did we have to go through that alleyway, I told you we should have went to the one that led towards our hideout, but you instead convinced me to take the route leading us to a blender of heroes" the gangster said as he stopped peeking out of the window and looked back at a gangster who was covering his shoulder that had a small wound that was leaking blood.

"I told you, the hideout was compromised and was being used as a trap set up by the hero's to take out unsuspecting people" the gangster said as he pulled out a lighter and brought it up to his bleeding shoulder. He winced as he felt the hot flames touch his skin and temporarily stop his bleeding.

"Al-" before the gangster, who was at the window, could say anything, a big explosion occurred at the spot he was standing at. Several gangsters that stood near him either flew away and were either badly injured or lost one or two limbs. As for those who were farther away, they were thrown away a bit or hid covered their face with their arms.

A couple seconds after the explosion occurred a male voice was heard through the smoke, "well well well, look what we have here. Several yellow kittens all huddling together hoping to get out of my grasp." As the smoke cleared up what stood on the pile of rubble was a man wearing a silver mask that resembled that of a crying man and wore a silver cape that covered his entire body from his feet to his neck, that had silver feathers on its rim.

The man walked forward towards a gangster that was covering his hand that had broken because of a flying piece of metal caused by the explosion. "My oh my, that seems painful. Allow me to ease the pain for you" the silver masked man said as he extended his hand, which had a silvery outline running across its blue surface, and small bits of red spots began to float towards the gangster.

When these spots landed on the gangster's body, they at first stuck onto his clothing like small bits of styrofoam, but when the silver masked man snapped his fingers the small red spots suddenly combust into flames and it turned the gangster's body to cinders.

"There we go, one down, several more to go" the silver masked man said as he turned towards the other gangsters who were shaking in fear as they saw their comrades body turn into dust. "Gaaah '' screamed filled the building as several explosions could be heard coming from the building. 

"Man that was a good exercise, don't you guys think so" the silver masked man said as he walked out of the smoking building and stretched his arms. He faced several other people who wore a bronze colored mask and wore white tuxedos. "Absolutely all mighty one" one of the bronze masked men said as he clapped his hands, followed by the rest also clapping their hands.

The silver masked man smiled as he took out his phone and began to call someone. "Why are we wearing these dumb masks again?" a man wearing a bronze mask whispered to the guy that stood next to him. "Its his family signature look" the bronze masked man said as he continued looking at the silver masked man, "each member that joins 'Gaze of Divinity' must wear these masks as a way to honor the fallen 'father.'"

The bronze masked man nodded as he looked back at the silver masked man. The silver masked man soon put his phone away and turned around to face his men, "alrighty boys, it's time to go hunt down the rest of those rusting kittens."


Several minutes have passed since that moment and currently I was standing in front of the charred building, unaware what had occurred here. I walked into the building and placed my hand onto the burnt surface, I rubbed the chars between my fingers before walking to a corner of a building. I soon stopped in front of a charred spot, the only thing that wasn't charred was a spot on the wall that had the outline of a man. I placed my hand onto the spot where the man's outline was at and stood there for seconds.

I breathed out as I leaned downwards and grabbed a burnt emblem that had a golden lion on it. "I'll bring this back to your boss, so don't worry" I said as I left the building and stopped once I saw a group of people standing in front of me, all pointing something at me.

"Freeze, put your hands in the air and turn your back to us" a police officer said as he aimed a gun, that looked to be not of this time, at me. I did as I was told and put my hands in the air and turned around so my back was facing them. Nothing happened for a couple seconds, but I could soon hear footsteps walking closer to me and then something hard placed onto the back of my head. 

"Tell us your name and what group you are affiliated with" I say in a soft masculine voice. "Man, I should have thought of a name while I was still in the bar" I thought as I quickly tried to remember something from my previous life. As I thought I felt the hard object, which I could guess was a gun, push against the back of my head, telling me to speak.

As I was about to speak, I just sighed out and opened my mouth. "You want my name, correct" I said as I turned my head and faced the police officer that had the gun pointed at my head. The officer still had a stern look on his face as he had the gun gripped in his hand. "Well, my name is V and as for my affiliation, I'm just a local bartender" I said before my body crumpled into snow and disappeared from the spot. The cops put their guns down and started looking for me, but to their dismay I was long gone.

"Now, where could those gangsters be? The news said that they spotted a whole group of them around this place, but I didn't see any" I said as I reformed on top of a building miles away from the burnt down building. I was only there since I saw smoke coming out of it and thought that there were possibly some injured gangsters hiding in the building. I continued to look around for any possible signs of fighting or something that could tell me that there were gangsters nearby.


I didn't have to wait for long as I heard a giant explosion happen behind me, followed by gunshots and the screams of people. "Ah, they are probably over there" I said as I crumbled into the snow and flew towards the explosion.