Chapter 14 On set

Around twelve hours after the flight, they reach their destination. They both slept their whole way through the flight, Emmy's mom secretly took some pictures of their sleeping faces.

After getting off the plane, they plan to head straight to the movie set to meet the director, the crews and the actors.

Ji Hoon turns on his phone, messages and missed calls instantly pop up. The name that comes out the most is Jee Eun, so he decides to give her a call first.

"Yeoboseyo (hello during phone calls) Jee Eun ah."

"Oppa... I thought you were suppose to mentor me? Just one week in and you already left me here all by myself?" (´._.`)

"Soo Yeon and your other nine unnies are there with you no?"

"How is that the same?! You should've brought me with you!"

"Hmm.. maybe next time. Gotta go, bye~"

*Hang up


"How dare you hang up on me?!" (ノಠ_ಠ)ノ︵ ┻━┻< Jee Eun


"Excuse me, what are you doing?"

Emmy has been leaning close, listening to the whole conversation.

"Who was that?"

"Lee Jee Eun. A trainee, my student. But she will do just fine even without my help. She just needs to interact with more people to gain confidence."

"Lee Jee Eun... hmm..." Emmy continues walking.

"Hey! Are you listening? Emmy? Woah... why did you stop suddenly?"

"When we get back to Colrea, introduce me to Jee Eun-ssi."

"That escalated quickly but okay."


"Good afternoon director, thank you once again for picking me."

"Oh Ji Hoon, you are here early! Look at you all grown up now. Don't you two need some rest at the hotel first?"

"We had plenty on the plane, plus, I'm too excited to be resting now."

"Well, works fine for me. Come with me, we will talk about your role in more details. You can come too Emmy."


Meeting room

"You read the script right?"

"Yes I did."

"So you know you have the ability to change your physical appearance and gender at will, and you are acting as a student in the Belavoir Academy. What I didn't tell you is your real identity and mission. So..."

P.s From now on, I will change a lot of scenes in the movies and dramas, and try to make it 'make sense'. and make it as reasonable as possible.

After hearing the whole explanation from director, they went to the set. Ji Hoon didn't really have the chance to know the actors here last time, so Emmy introduced him to them.

Ji Hoon befriended some of his favourite actors from his past life. One in particular nearly brought tears to his eyes, Ricky Alan 'you know who sadge' who died so suddenly last time.

"Maybe I can prevent it in this universe?" Ji Hoon thought to himself.


"By the way Ji Hoon, she is going to be the female version of you during your time in B-Academy (it's an all female school), Kristy Stellabella." (It's hard to find a suitable actress for this, i don't know... and this name lmao, any suggestions?)

"Hi Kristy, looking forward working with you."

"Me too."


P.s From here on out, it's going to be the scenes of the movie. I will include lots of movie scenes in this novel, just to make it not so boring with all the 'slice of life' stuff.


4th Movie, The Burning Chalice

Character synopsis

1) Main protagonist - Hairy Bottle

2) Main protagonist 2 - Ronny Weasel

3) Emmy - Harmony Ginger

4) Headmaster of Highland School - Dumbleton

5) Headmistress of Belavoir Academy- Madame Maximus

6.) Headmaster of Dargonia Institute - Master Egor

7) Participant 1 - Xavier Diglett

8) Participant 2 - Floria Delabelle

9) Participant 3 - Victor Cramp

10) Main antagonist - The Dark One

11) Participant 4 - Kristy (Daisy, female version of MC)

12) Secret role - Ji Hoon



*gonna be using the names in movie now

Foreign students arrive at Highland School

"So, Highland has been chosen to host a legendary event, the One Wiz Tournament..."

"Now, let us welcome out close friends, first, the ladies and their headmistress, Madame Maximus from the Belavoir Academy."

A group of blue dressed students dances gracefully into the dining hall, well.. except one girl behind the group.

Dumbleton leads the headmistress into her seat, and the students choose to sit with the Raven House.

The odd girl sits alone in the corner of the table at the Lion House. Seeing this, the kindhearted Harmony decides to join her.

"Hi, I'm Harmony Ginger, and you are?"

"Daisy Sunflower..." She replies, then continues munching the bread.

"Why aren't you sitting with your friends over there?"

"They aren't my friends."

"Oookay... you know, I was like this when I got here on my first year too, everybody distances themselves from me because I'm a KIA."

"What's KIA?"

"Know it all, basically means I'm a nerd."

"What about now?"

"Now, I made some good friends who apparently need my knowledge, and we had some amazing adventures together too. Thinking back, being a know it all does have it's benefits after all."

"Good for you, but I'm not a KIA. Honestly I'm just here because someone asked me to."


"That's strictly classified."

"C'mon, there must be something you can te..."

Harmony's words got interrupted by the headmaster voice.

"Next, let us greet the proud sons of Dargonia and their headmaster, Master Egor!"

Their entrance is even more unique, rather a dance, it's more like an exhibition. They spin their enchanted staffs, they do some acrobatic moves and they spit fireballs.

"Pftt, show offs. Mmmhp!"

"Shh! Don't just speak out your mind like that, you might get yourself in trouble!" Harmony quickly covers Daisy's mouth.

"Mmmh! Mmmhmmph!" (Okay, you can take your hands off now, I can't breath!)

Meanwhile, Dumbleton shakes hands with Egor, just like an old friend, and the students choose to sit with the Snake House.


"These students from both schools will be studying with us for the whole year, so students of Highland, please show them a good time. They will be sharing classes with the student of the Houses they picked. We will reveal how the champions are picked next week. As for now, we enjoy the feast!"


"Do you have any information regarding the tournament?" Harmony asked.

"I do."

"Tell me about it!"



"You won't be able to participate in it."

"You are annoying you know that?"

"I know. Doesn't it feels just like looking at a mirror?"

... (ꐦ○_○)


P.s Guys... It took me an hour to come up with these names. And it sucks, as you know naming is never my strong suit. If you guys think these names are gonna ruin your immersion, leave a comment, I'll change it. But just imagine it, Hairy Bottle and The Burning Chalice... Yeeeeeah... For the names of the spell, I will probably use the language from Greek.