Chapter 17 Dance party

Skipping to the first task

The six champions are in a tent waiting to receive instructions.

A weird looking reporter comes in the tent and starts interviewing the champions.

"Miss Sunflower, how do you feel right now?"


"By what?"



The floating pen starts recording something on a notebook.

"Miss Sunflower, you seem to be isolated by your schoolmates, perhaps because of your rude personality?"

"Miss 'little bug' (her animagus just in case you don't know) reporter, if you don't want the whole world to know about how you get your sources, go bother someone else, and erase everything you wrote about me. Leave me alone." Daisy whispers softly into her ears.

"How did you..?" Shocked, the reporter quickly leaves the tent.

"Finally some peace..."


"The champions will select their opponents themselves randomly." The judge shows them a sack.

Daisy is the last one to choose, so she doesn't have to pick.

"Miss Sunflower... you will fight against... a chimera."

A creature with head of a lion, body of a goat, and a dragon's tail, sitting on the palm of her hand, looking at her with bloodthirsty eyes.

"... crap."

"Your mission is to take the golden egg the creatures are protecting from them. Beware, the creatures are deadly."


Hairy and Daisy are sitting together waiting for their turn.

"You nervous?" Hairy asked.

"Not really. What about you?"

"Very... I have to fight a dragon."

"Friendly advice, who said anything about fighting it?"

"Miss Daisy, it's your turn!"


Before going out the tent, Daisy takes out a vial, and gulps down the liquid inside it, she slowly turns invisible.

"That's... can I have one of those?"

"Nope, last one, sorry."


Outside the tent

The chimera is staring at the entrance of the tent, below her arms are the golden egg and possibly chimera's eggs?

A few minutes passed, nothing happened, even the crowd is starting to get bored by it.

"She must've been too scared to come out."

"What a disgrace to the school."

The expression of the headmistress slowly turns grim too.

Suddenly, the head judge announces that Daisy has passed her task.


5 minutes earlier

Daisy came out of the tent, and went straight to the side of the chimera. It is probably a tamed one, a wild one would've probably sensed her by now. Daisy casted a shrinking spell on the egg, and took it out from it's arms. Until now, the chimera is still staring at the tent.

Just that simple, and very anticlimactic too.

"That actually really smart! Why resort to violence when you can solve the problem in a peaceful way."


The first task has been completed, all of the champions passed the task.

Right now Daisy is in her room with Harmony, discussing about the egg.

"Hairy opened the egg just now and it was a disaster, there must be some other ways for this to work."

"I wonder if it floats on a water?" A random question comes out of Daisy's mouth.


She goes into the toilet, and tosses the egg into the water, it... doesn't float.


"Daisy, listen!" Harmony points at the water.

A faint song can be heard from underwater. Both of them submerge into the water, and they receive the clue for the next task.

"We've taken what you will sorely miss, what does that mean?"

Daisy doesn't answer and just looks at Harmony.


"The champions will have to pick a partner, and attend the upcoming party, it is a tradition of the One Wiz Tournament."


"Who will you be picking, Daisy?"

"I don't know, wasn't planning on going."

"But it is compulsory!"

"Rules are meant to be broken."

Just then, Victor Cramp comes up to Harmony amd invites her to be his partner.

"I'll... think about it."

Hearing that, he walks away confidently.

"Sigh... would you like be my partner for the event Miss Ginger?" This time, Daisy properly invites her.


"Gladly!" Harmony takes her hand and smiles happily.

Daisy turns her head and looks towards Victor and shows him a smile of victory. d(^_^ d)


щ(`Д´щ;) < Victor


Skipping to the day of the event

Unlike other women, Daisy wears a feathered suit. She is standing with Hairy and Ronny outside the dining hall, waiting for their respective partners. After awhile, Hairy and Ronny's partners arrived, and they went in the dining room together, leaving Daisy alone.

"She sure is taking her sweet time..."


Hearing the sound of footsteps from above, Daisy looks up and it is as if the time has frozen.

High heels, blue dress, simple make up, and she even tied up her messy hair for the occassion. She walks slowly towards Daisy.

"How do I look?" She asked shyly.

"Like a princess. Here, grab my arm, let's join the party."


They dance, they sing, they eat, they drink, and now, they are resting in the garden.

"It's a full moon tonight." Harmony said.

"Is that supposed to be a romantic thing?"

"No, it just brings back some good and bad memories."

"Then I hope you made a good one tonight."

"I did! Thank you Daisy." Harmony hugs her tightly.

"You know I think I know what's the second task is gonna be."

"Oh? Tell me about it."

"I'm not sure about the details but, don't be surprised if you get picked to be a hostage."

"A what?"


A month later

The day of the second task

Harmony and a few other students got called up to one of the empty classroom.

"So this is what she meant by being a hostage... Crap..."
