Chaper 23 First love

The next day, Ji Hoon received a phone call from the company saying the actress still couldn't make it due to her tight schedule. It's a shame but it couldn't be help. So Ji Hoon decides to look for other options. He thought of Emmy, she has mastered Colrean language, and she is gonna get a lot viewers from oversea. But Ji Hoon decides not to pick her because currently she is on her break, which she has earned after working non-stop for a few years in such young age.

The other way which is casting the actress through interview, is probably the best option now. But Ji Hoon doesn't really know any actresses to begin with.

Just when he is gonna ask for his mom's opinion, he receives a call from Chae Suk.

"Yeoboseyo, hyungnim?"

"Ji Hoon ah, are you free right now?"

"Yes I am."

"Come and join me and have a dinner at this BBQ restaurant, I'll send you the location now."

"Ah nae hyungnim."

He receives the location seconds after the phone was hung up. He grabs his wallet and disguises himself a little bit before going out. People starts to recognize him now that he is in the hottest movie in the cinema, so it will be troublesome if he is recognized by the fans on street.

He reaches the destination after half an hour. One of the waiter anticipated his arrival and leads him to the VIP room in the back. There are a few familiar faces in the room.

"Oh Ji Hoon ah, you are here! Come, let me introduce you to my friends. This fat and loud one is Kang Dong Ho, the one who has the small eyes and fit body is Kim Jeong Kook, the shorty wearing a glasses is Ha Hoon Dong and the only lady here, the female warrior, Yoon Eun Hee."

"Oppa! It's because of you others always call me 'female warrior' now!"

"Ya, why didn't you tell us Ji Hoon-ssi is coming? I could've prepare something better to serve him!"

"You were always so stingy towards us, now that Ji Hoon-ssi is here you change your attitude so quickly?"

These are the group of entertainers that carried the early stage of variety business in Colrea.

"Nice to meet you all sunbaenim!"

"Technically, not all of them are your sunbae, I remember you debuted before Eun Hee and Hoon Dong."

"Ya! Let's just drop the honorifics here, we are here to have a dinner and relax."

"Nae hyung!"

"Ji Hoon ah, today I invited you here because we want to invite you as a guest for our show 'Mr. & Mrs. X'. The show is ending soon, we wanna make it a special one for the fans that watched and supported us for all these years."

"When and where will we be filming the episodes?"

"Next week, and it will be filmed at Tyland."

"Hmm, there shouldn't be any problem, I'll check my schedule and let you know later. I'll even try and invite Emmy and Kristy."

"You will?!" x4 All the man in the room stand up.

"Ya! What's with the reaction?!" Eun Hee isn't satisfied with their reactions.

"Ji Hoon, please do your best and convince them to be on the show!"

"Nae, I'll try my best."


"So, are you interested?"

"I've never been to Tyland before, if we go, can we just travel around for an extra week?" Emmy said so.


"Then I'm in, what about you Kristy?"

"If you are in, I'm in."

"Ah... I wanna go too..." Tay is envious of both of them.

"You have to be ready for the upcoming concert so, NO."

╥﹏╥ < Tay

"What about you Soo Yeon?" Emmy asked Soo Yeon.

"I c-can't..."


"B-because I have an exam coming up!!!" (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

"Er... good luck on your exam..."


Next day in the studio

'Monday, Better day

A day that makes my heart rush like the first time

Sunday, Better day

A day when I think about you all day...'

Cre: IU - Every End of the Day

"Jee Eun ah, come and listen to this and see if you can notice what's wrong with it."


♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

"Hmm, I don't know something felt lacking..."

"Right? You sang really well just now but the song lacks emotions. You gotta be able to express your feelings to the listener through your music, not just trying to sing the lyrics perfectly."

"But this song... it's basically a love confession, and I never had any experience like that." (๑•﹏•)

"Imagine one then. Maybe your ideal type, an idol or an actor you admire, you can even imagine yourself as a character in the romantic drama."


"Oppa, lend me your hand." Jee Eun looks at Ji Hoon with eyes filled with determination.


Ji Hoon reaches out his hands, she holds them tightly and closes her eyes, taking deep breaths after deep breaths, her face starts blushing.

Noticing the atmosphere in this room, he quickly glances through the window and signals the producer outside to start recording.

After a few seconds, Jee Eun opens her eyes and looks at Ji Hoon with a way he never saw from her before. After the music starts playing, she sings with a totally different tone and expression from last time. She never shifted her sight from Ji Hoon throughout the whole song, even after the song ends, they are still staring at each other.

"Jee Eun ah... I-"

She quickly puts her hands over his mouth.

"Oppa, let me finish what I have to say this time because I don't know of I'll ever have the courage to say it again."

She shyly lean her head on his shoulder.

"Oppa, I never really thank you for what you did for me and my family."

"I never did-"

"When you decided to give me a chance and signed me to your company, you gave the deposit to my parents right? That help us get out of debt which had been troubling us for a long time."


Ji Hoon suddenly feels some wet spots on his shoulder, realizing Jee Eun is crying, he slowly pats her back.

"Now I have the chance to fully focus on my dream of being a singer and doesn't have to worry about my family anymore. My parents can enjoy their retirement life, my brother can continue his study too. All of it is thanks to you oppa."

"Without me finding you, there will always be others that will see your talent sooner or later."

"But that didn't happen, oppa was the only one that trusted me that time."

She tightly hugs his waist.

"I wonder when it started happening? Was it when I first saw you performing on TV? Was it when we first met and samg together in the shop? I started anticipating our interactions. When I'm having a break after practicing, I would wonder what you are doing. When you ask me to imagine a love interest just now, you were the only person that came up on my mind oppa."

"Jee Eun ah, I don't know what to sa-"

"You don't have to say anything, I don't want you to make any decision right now either. I have been wanting to get all this out my chest for a long time. It's a relief for me because I won't have to hide my feelings anymore in the future."

Jee Eun wipes her tears away and raises her head and look at Ji Hoon with a bright smile on her face.

"Oppa, let's record the second song tomorrow, I really excited to sing with you again. And I might have an idea for the MV of the song we recorded just now!"


P.s In the end I still decided to go with the harem route, but there won't be any drama among the female protagonists. I will create a scenario for them to be able to co-exist peacefully. So if any of you who doesn't like this kind of style, you should stop reading after this. Thank you and sorry!