Chapter 25 New home

"Let's go somewhere else and have lunch, I'm so hungry right now." Emmy urges.

"Me too, I thought it was gonna be date so I didn't even eat anything before coming out." Jee Eun agrees.

Ji Hoon brings them to KDH (Kang Dong Ho) BBQ shop and requests a vip room. The waiter recognize him as he just served him few days ago and he leads them to the same room again, but this time it's empty.

"Kang Dong Ho sunbaenim owns this shop, so if you ever need a private space to hang out with your friends in the future, this is a good place to consider."

"How did you know that?"

"Chae Suk hyung invited me here to their gathering a few days ago, and Kang Dong Ho sunbaenim was here too. Oh right, do you want to go to Tyland Jee Eun? We can record the MV there."

"Hmm? Why so sudden?"

"Me, Emmy and Kristy are going to participate 'Mr. & Mrs. X' this weekend at Tyland, after that we are gonna spend sometime there travelling."

"Ahh, sounds fun, sure I'm in. But what should I do when you guys are on the show?"

"You can be our manager for the day."


"Good idea Emmy."

"Can I just stay at the hotel?"

"Nope, don't worry, you will do a good job."

"Why did I ask that question..." (๑•﹏•)

Minutes later, their food finally arrives, and so they spend the next thirty minutes or so enjoying their lunch.


"Do you have anywhere else to be after this?"

"Nope, I'm free the whole day."

"Me too~"

"Then, wanna go check out my new home?"

"New home? Where?"

"It's near the company."

"Okay, but why are you moving so suddenly?"

"I don't know, I guess I just wanna try living alone, or maybe with some friends. Honestly, I'm very jealous of you two. You (Emmy) get to live with Kristy and Tay, while you (Jee Eun) get to live with nine other unnies. The only experience I had living with other people other than my family was when I was in the military, living with bunch of guys."

"Hmm, I have an idea, but I wanna see your new home first, let's go!"


"It's here."

They are at the seventh floor of an apartment located near the company.

"Which one of it is yours?" There are two units on the floor.

"I bought both of them, I didn't want some random stranger to be my neighbour, so..."

"Good thinking. Then you don't mind if I move into one of them right?"

"Me too me too, I wanna live with Emmy unnie!"

"Huh? Sure, go ahead, that was the other reason I bought the whole floor, so that my close friends can come and stay over here. It's even better now that both my girlfriends wanna stay here. We can hang out all the time!"


Ji Hoon brings them into the one he is gonna be living in. It's still pretty empty, there are only some basic furniture. Now, they are resting in the living room.

"Hey Ji Hoon, now that we are officially your girlfriends, there are something we should talk about."

"Hmm? What is it?"

"First, if there is any new addition to the family, you have to let us know. We don't wanna just come back home someday, and find out you are with a girl we don't know."

"You two are totally enough for me, why would I even want anyone else?"

"Ayyyy, oppa... even I know that's bullshit."

"Huh? You don't trust me?"

"We all know you are not the kind that reject a girl's sincere confession, if not me and Jee Eun wouldn't be here in the first place. And even if we trust you, we don't trust the girls outside."


"Ayy oppa, it's not like we are against you finding other new girls, we just want to know beforehand that's all."

"I'll prove it to you two that I'm satisfied with how things are right now!" *kappa

"Meh, if you say so~"

"Secondly, we don't want just any girls to be in this family. Some might come for the fame, some for the money, and some might even come with bad intentions. So only if me and unnie approve her, then she can join the family."

"Next, if there's one day we feel like there's no love between us anymore, we will leave on our own terms. You cannot be the one who abandon us first, promise us."

"Who in the right mind would abandon the two of you?"

"Promise us!" x2 They both pinch and pull each side of his cheek.

"Ohei, I pomih~ Ouch..." (๑•̀д•́๑)

"If you dare to break any of the promise above, hehehe..." ✄


"And lastly, we want them keys to your house."

"Here you go, these are the spare ones."


"Okay, time to go home, I have pack my things for the trip to Tyland in two days."

"Ah! I still have to tell my parents and unnies about it, and the moving thing too."


Later that night, Emmy and Jee Eun are texting each other on their phone.

"Unnie, did we go too hard on oppa?"

"How is that hard? He can be the king in the family but we are still the queens of the house, we gotta assert our authorities. Jee Eun ah, this alliance of ours has got to be strong! You and I both know Ji Hoon's charm, it's deadly to a woman, young, rich, always considerate and kind towards others, friendly, handsome, talented and promising future. We don't want any random girl to just come in and breaks our peace."

"Ah nae unnie!" ( ✧Д✧)


"Unnie, when you said you were gonna ✄... it was a joke right?"

"Of course..."


"Of course not!"


"Huh? What's that about ✄???" XXX appears in chat.

"They are just bragging their relationship with Ji Hoon." Salty XXX replied.

"Girls, I'm trying to sleep here, and notifications keep poppung up aren't helping at all..." Sleepy XXX appears.

"Girls... don't you know I'm studying for my exam atm...? ( ་ ⍸ ་ )" Wild Soo Yeon appears.


"The admin is here!!! Ciao~"

"Sorry unnie!!!"

And finally the chat room becomes quiet again.


P.s I'm busy today, so there might be only this chapter today.