Chapter 28 Eye candy

The crew and the guests are taking a break before moving to a new location.

"Come to think of it, Ji Hoon ah, why are you keeping your long hair? Love the new look by the way."

"It's for my upcoming drama, the character I potray has a long and messy hair."

"Oh you are going to start your acting career in Colrea too?"

"Yeah, but currently we are having trouble finding a female protagonist, the one I prefered couldn't make it because of her schedule."

"Oh? What kind of actress do you need? What about Eun Hee?" Mc Yoo points at her.

"Noona's image don't really fit with the character, she is supposed to be soft and innocent."

"What's that suppose to mean?!"

"Calm down noona, I'm saying you are a strong and independent woman!"

"Hmph! Jokes aside, even if the character fits me, I don't think I can make it too because I'm already casted in a new drama too, and I have to cut my hair short for it... my baby..." She strokes her hair sadly. ╥﹏╥

"What about me? I'm very free recently~" Tae Rim slowly raises her hand.

Everyone turns and looks at her.


"You are free? Even when Eun Hee is busy with her drama but you the nation's goddess is free?"

(ꐦ○_○)< Eun Hee



"What's the use of being a nation's goddess? I actually hate that title."

"Huh? Why?"

"Being a nation's goddess is not always a good thing. The authors and directors that want to cast me only picked me because of one reason, because of my appearance. It was never because of my acting skills."

... All of the actors here can relate to that.

"I wanna prove that I can act too, that I'm not just an eye candy. If I'm going to be goddess, I want to be a capable one!"

"I understand all that but I never told you anything about the drama, what if it's just another drama that I basically need you to be an eye candy?"

"At this point, I don't even care anymore... The main reason why I'm so free right now is because I've rejected too much offers, now none of them even try to cast me anymore."


"Let's give it a shot, I will make things clear for you. This drama requires lot of skills and emotions, so if this drama becomes a success because of our acting, I'm confident to say we will win some awards, you might even win the best actress award."

"Ehem, I'm here too you know?" Eun Hee points to herself.

"No offense to you noona, but I'm very confident in my own script."

"None taken, I like confident people." (❛◡˂̵ ̑̑✧)

"Wait, you wrote that script yourself?"

"Yeah. So if you decide that you wanna try the role, let me know, and I'll bring it to you."

"What do I need to do?" Tae Rim asks seriously.

"First, you need to be able to cry... a lot..."



Next location, indoor

"The next game is Couple Limbo, the man is required to carry their partner, and pass underneath the pole without the pole dropping, the pole will go lower and lower."

"Question, can't it be the other way around? The woman carry their partner?" HD (Ha Hoon Dong) asks.

"Ayyyyy..." Even the staffs look at him with disgusts.

"What? I'm sure Eun Hee is stronger than me!"


"That might be true, but you still have to carry her if she is your partner." Mc Yoo replies.

"Jeong Kook hyung, we will leave Eun Hee to you!"


"Let's proceed to couple selections. There are four men and four women each side, the men will pick a target and try to convince them to be your partner by showing your charm, it can be dancing, singing, sweet talking, anything, as long as she accepts you. However, if the one you picked rejects you, then you need to wait for the woman to pick you."

Jeong Kook is the first to pick.

"Since we are all singer here, so we have decided to settle this with our voices."

"Oh? All of you have come to an agreement?"

"Nae!" x4

"Okay, then what song will you be singing?"

Jeong Kook walks to the centre of the stage, and waits for his music to start.

♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

'Woah~ you're loveable from head to toe

Woah~ I'm proud that you are my girl

Waiting for you is fun and even the scent in the air is sweet

I love you just like this'

*This might be the first song that doesn't need any source here

Cre: Kim Jong Kook - Loveable

Everybody automatically moves their body when they hear this song.

Jeong Kook dances around the female guests and finally stops in front of Eun Hee, and she gladly accepts his invitation.

"As expected, Jeong Kook is always loyal to Eun Hee."

"Of course!" Eun Hee is as proud as a peacock right now.


Second is Ji Hoon.

"Erm, this episode will air after Christmas right?"

"That's right."

"Okay, can I borrow a guitar?"

"Sure! We actually prepared one for you just in case."

"Thank you."

He starts testing the sound of the guitar, then he walks to the centre of the stage.

♩ ♪ ♫ ♬

'Our beginning started by pure coincidence

At first, even in my dream I never thought this would be love

Your heart keeps going 'thump thump'

You keep smiling at me

And without realizing it

You start falling in love with me'

Source: Heartstrings MV - You've Fallen For Me by Jung Yong Hwa (Youtube)

At first he was singing around Emmy and Kristy, but at the last second, he turns to Tae Rim.


Emmy couldn't believe her own eyes, she was even ready to accept his invitation.

"Oh?! Why didn't you pick Emmy or Kristy?!"

"Because I see them almost everyday, on the other hand, it's not often you get to see a goddess up close."

"If we had the choice, we wouldn't pick you either!" (#`д´)ノ

"Now, will Tae Rim accepts his invitation?"

"Gladly~" she holds his hand happily.

"Look at Emmy and Kristy's face, you are gonna have to do a lot of explaining after the show ends Ji Hoon." Mc Yoo is taunting Ji Hoon.

Ji Hoon walks to Mc Yoo and whispers something into his ears.

"Ahh... I see... Ji Hoon said you are both a very forgetful person, you are gonna forget about everything when the show is over."



The crew and guests burst into laughter.

"I said forgiving not forgetful, there's something wrong with his ears!"

"I'm 100% sure he said forg-"

"Hyung, shhh!..."



Later, HD chose Emmy to be his partner and by default, Kristy and Min Gi became a couple.
