Chapter 37 Nomination

"Ji Hoon, you need come home inmediately, there's something important I have to tell you." Emmy calls Ji Hoon.

"Okay, on my way!"


20 mins later

"What's the rush?"

"I was on the phone withe director just now."

"Director? Which one?"

"Our movie's one."

"Oh! What did he say?"

"You the good news first or bad news first?"

"I don't know the bad news?"

"Well the bad news is you are going to be a very busy person, like you are gonna wish you have a clone type of busy."

"Umm the good news?"

"They are a few actually. First, the script for the next chapter of the movie is up, you are in it."

"Great!" (≧∇≦)/

"Next, you got nominated for the 'Best Male Debut' award by the LFA (Lond Film Award)."

"You are joking."

"Nope, we will be together because I got nominated for the 'Best Young Actress' and the 'Best Actress' awards."


"Are you flexing on me?"

"Maybe~" :P

"Whatever~ congratz anyway."

"Not yet, these are just nominations. And one more good news, we got invited to join 'The Alan Show'. It's one of the most famous talk show in the world."

"When is that?"

"A day after the award ceremony."

"That sounds tiring."

"That's why it's a bad news. By the way, the award ceremony is held on the 31st of December, we will celebrating New Year there too, which means we only have three more days to prepare. You can call the director for more details."

"Sure, I'll do that."

"Alright, I'm gonna go take a nap and see if Jee Eun is up."


"Director, how are you doing?"

"Oh Ji Hoon, doing good. You got the news from Emmy already right, any further questions?"

"About that talk show, what am I supposed to say there?"

"You should try to promote something, new movies, dramas, songs, or even your artists from your company, then you should leave everything else to the host, he is one of the best out there."

"Wait, 'he'?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing. What about our upcoming movie?"

"You are allowed you will be in the movie but that's it, don't spoil anything."

"Got it."

"Congratz on the concert by the way, it was great and I enjoyed it a lot."



Checking the internet

"Oh, so it's Alan not Ellen, I see..."

He continues browsing the internet for a little while longer.

"Hmm, what's this... Oh?! It's Spidey 3! Ugh this makes me remember about the fucking trailer again. But this means the age of superheroes is starting soon... Let's see, Marvelous Studio... no news about any new superheroes, in debt, brink of collapse... What the hell, how is this possible? Did this happen in my past? Can I help them? How? Should I?"


*knock knock

"Oppa, are you inside?"

"Oh Jee Eun ah! Come in!"

|ω・) < Jee Eun

"Tay called me just now saying they are ready, she said you didn't answer her phone so I came to look."

"Oh I was thinking about something I didn't notice my phone was ringing. Should I go fetch them now?"

"Nae oppa! Stay safe on the road!"


"You told me there wasn't much to pack."

"Hehehe..." Tay laughs nervously.

"What are those?" Ji Hoon points at the stacks of luggage.

"I promise 70% of them are Kristy's."

"Oh don't you dare, it's more like 50 50."

"I don't think that makes it any better. Nevermind, it's time I introduce you to someone who is going be working with you very closely in the future."

"Who is it?"

"Let me make a phone call."

10 mins later a conversion van stops beside them, and a woman in her thirty steps out from it.

"Tay, let me introduce you to your new manager, Stacy. I was gonna tell you about this in a later date but we need a bigger car to move all those luggage so, here she is."

"Nice to meet you Stacy!"

"Nice to meet you too Tay, we will be spending a lot of time together in the future, I hope we can maintain a long and healthy relationship for a long time."

"Oh I'm sure we will get along just fine."

"Alright, you two can speak about the details in private, now let's move all these things into the van, I still have somewhere else to be."


"Noona, I'm here, please open the door for me."

"Be right there!"

A beautiful woman opens the front door.

"Ji Hoon ah, you are here! Don't just stand there, come in!" Tae Rim leads him into her house.

"Noona lives here alone?"

"I live with my little brother, but he is staying over at his friend's house tonight."

"I see."

"Have you eaten? If not I can cook you something."

"It's okay, I'm not hungry, it's pretty late now so we should get straight to the point."

"Yes of course."

"So here's the script. Have you talked to your company about this?"

"I don't have to, I'm currently not in any agency company, I have my own workshop."

"Good then that makes things a lot easier."

"When will we start filming this?"

"Probably next week, I will be going to Lond three days later to attend an award ceremony."

"Oh, you are nominated?"


"Then I congratulate you in advance."

"Thank you."

"I'll go through the script these few days and thank you once again for giving me a chance to prove myself."

"Don't thank me too fast, this is a do or die situation for you noona. If this drama fails, I still have my singing career, but noona will be taking a huge hit on your reputation amd career. Are you ready for that?"

"I've been ready for a long time, and honestly, I don't have much choice now either. If don't take the role, I probably won't have a chance like this anywhere else, so it's still the same result for me. But right now I have two big motivators. One is to prove everyone wrong, that I'm a capable actress, not just an eye candy. The other one is to not dissapoint you and the trust you gave me. Thank you so much Ji Hoon ah."

"To our success, cheers!" Ji Hoon raises the glass of water she served him earlier.



The title of the script on the table - 'I Love You, Sorry...'


P.s This is an old drama from 2004 called 'I'm sorry, I love you'. Prepare your tissues if you watch it.