Chapter 46 Big news

"Honestly though, who the hell get shot in the head TWICE in the second episode? Especially when you are the male lead." Tae Rim is watching Ji Hoon filming his part.


"Urgh, I hate this feeling of being covered in fake blood, it smells bad too..."

"You wrote that story yourself, stop whining. Wait! Get away from me! Eomeonim! Help!"

"Why are you bullying Tae Rim again?"

"How is this bullying? I just wanted her to feel a little bit of this fake blood."

"Ayyy get away from us, you still need to film the emergency room's scene."

Tae Rim sticks out her tongue behind his mother and smiles playfully at Ji Hoon.

"Fine fine~"


Two weeks later, the first episode of the drama was aired on CBC, and the rating was average.

These are some of the feedback they received.

"Ji Hoon oppa~ oh no, it's ahjussi now!"

"I know JH is a talented singer, producer and actor, but writer? I don't know if I should watch this, don't wanna ruin my perfect impression on him..."

"Tae Rim noona calling a younger man ahjussi? Hell nah, I'm not gonna watch this."

"What's with his look? Is he trying to be a comedian or something?"

"Am I the only one who think they looked good together?"

"Oppa and unnie hwaiting!"

"Anyone saw the next episode's preview? The mc got shot in the head, story ends in the next episode?"


"This doesn't look like a good start..." The director is sweating buckets right now.

"You should understand one thing director, bad reviews are better than no review. All these feedback are gonna help us gain attention from the media and the other viewers. On the other hand, you should be worried if you get a high rating right of the bat, maintaining a high rating is way harder than improving it."

"I-is that so?"

"That's right, we should focus on what we should do now, which is continue filming. Have more faith in our project."


Ji Hoon gives him an 'encourgement' pat on his back.


"Woops, my bad~"


The next day

As expected, the rating of second episode went up a little bit just as Ji Hoon predicted, this time there are a lot more positive feedback.

"See? What did I tell you? Just be patient, everything will work out just fine."

"Nae! As expected of Ji Hoon-ssi!" The director looks at Ji Hoon with sparkling eyes.

"Err... it's Tae Rim noona's scene this time, I will go take a break."


Next week, the latest episode of Alan Show is aired, and of course, everybody now knows he is dating Emmy at the moment. This came out so suddenly everyone was caught off guard, and this greatly boost the ratings of the drama, only this time, most of the feedback aren't about the drama, it's about the relationship between Ji Hoon and Emmy.

"I knew something was fishy when I first saw them in 'Mr. and Mrs. X'."

"Their interaction during LFA too, it was way too obvious."

"Ahh... wuli oppa isn't single anymore..."

"Don't you dare touch my goddess Kim Ji Hoon!"

"The Em-Ji ship is officially sailling~!"


"I totally forgot about that." Said Ji Hoon when he saw the news.

His phone has been ringing since the news is out, but he ignores most of them and only answers those that are close to him.

After that, he calls Emmy.

"Hey babe, you okay? Have you seen the news? Were you bothered by anyone? The reporters?"

"Nah I'm okay, just staying at home doing yoga right now."

"Yoga? Since when did you start doing yoga?"

"It's just something I picked up during my free time, it calms my mind and keeps me in shape. I was thinking of visiting you this evening actually."

"Oh, that might not be a good idea. This place is currently surrounded by the reporters, you wouldn't like it."

"Fine, Jee Eun will still be going though, we wanted to bring you home today, it's been a week since you came back (he lives with the actors and crews in the dorm provided), I know this is your first drama, you are dedicated to it bla bla, but we miss you."

"Alright I get it, guess I'll see you girls later then."

"Yeah! Bye babe~"


An hour later, Jee Eun arrives with a food truck.

"Oppa!" She rushes towards Ji Hoon.

"Woah slow down! There might be reporters around, be careful." Ji Hoon whispers to her.

"Ah right! Hehe." :P

"You didn't have to bring this, must've cost a lot." He points at the food truck.

"Nah, not really~ it's oppa's money anyway~" She pulls out a credit card from her handbag.

*Ji Hoon prepared the cards for all his girlfriends.

"Well, since I gave it to you, you get to decide how you wanna spend it."

"Hehe, ah right! I gotta go greet the director and the other actors! Talk to you later oppa!"

"I miss you so much." Ji Hoon whispers to her before she runs off, Jee Eun replies with a big smile.


After awhile, Ji Hoon and Jee Eun are sitting beside watching Tae Rim's scene. Jee Eun is watching everything with her mouth wide open as if fascinated by it.

"Drool is dripping out of your mouth." He playfully raises her jaw.

"Huh?!" She quickly wipes the edge of ber mouth and realizes she was being tricked.


"You interested in acting?"

"Hmm... a little bit. I mean, there are a lot of things you can do in a movie or a drama that you can't do in real life, like magic, flying and superpowers, I'm actually quite envious of Emmy and Kristy sometimes."

"Don't worry, you will have your chance, but right now you should on singing first. Besides, you can learn acting skills from Emmy, Kristy and my mom, it's free and effective."

"I wanna learn from oppa though."

"Oh no, I'm never a good teacher, even Tae Rim noona over there is a better teacher than me."

"I can hear that you know, and that doesn't sound like a compliment at all. Hi Jee Eun-ssi!"

"Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim!"

"Feel free to ask me anything, I might not be good at teaching but I do have some experience to share, and just call me unnie."

"Nae unnie! And don't listen to what oppa said, he is just joking."

"Is he? Nevermind him, let's go eat something from your food truck, I'm hungry, I'm gonna call eomeonim too."
