Chapter 48 New hero

During the jog, Jee Eun put way more effort into into, must've been conscious of what Emmy said to her this morning. Later, on their way back home, Jee Eun asks Ji Hoon secretly.

"Oppa, did I really got fat?"

"Compared to when we first met, you are a lot better now."

"That didn't really answer my question..."

"Hmm... maybe it's time to start working out more. I mean, just look at this." He pinches her waist.

"Kya~ sorry, I'm sensitive there... I guess I'll start eating less then." Jee Eun says that dejectedly.

"You don't have to eat less, I'll make a diet plan and workout plan for you, and we will do it together."


"Yeah! Can't let my little princess go through this herself right?"

"Oppa..." She kisses him.

"Ehem, can you guys take this somewhere else? You are blocking the front door." Emmy taps them on their shoulders.

"Don't be jealous, I can make you a plan too if you want!"

"Oh no no! Don't drag me into this!"

"C'mon unnie, let's do this together, it will be easier to convince Tay and the others if you join us."

"Fine fine. Wait! Stop getting close, you are sweaty!"

"Unnie~" (♡´𓋰`♡)



"I'm telling you, we are serious about this."

Right now, Ji Hoon is on the phone with Calvin, now president of the Marvelous Studio.

"Yeah, but serious about what?"

"Huh? You didn't read my email from yesterday?" D:

"I was busy."

"..." D:

"Okay fine, I'm sorry, what did you send me?"

"In order to thank you for everything you did for us, we figured that since you are also an actor, the writers created a completely new superhero just for you. If everything goes well, you will have your own movie after the first Mr. Tech movie."

"Wait what? What superhero?"

"We haven't give it a name yet, which is why I called you, I sent you the concept of the character in the email."

"I'll check it out later, anything else?"

"Brina told me you had someone in mind for the Mr. Tech role, who is it?"

"Robin D Jr."

"Who? You mean that drug addict, the one who has been arrested several times and the one who spent a few months in prison? Are you drunk? If you wanna ruin the movie, just say so."

"No! Trust me on this, just give him a chance, an interview, you will know what I'm talking about."


"Fine, you are the boss. But if he doesn't work out, we will use the one we originally had in mind."

"Oh? Who is it?"

"Tommy Cruiser. You know the one who does all those crazy stunts by himself?"

"Oh hell naw!"


"Hmm, a hero that can change weapons at will, the weapons include sword, daggers, double-edge spear, shield, bow and chains. He has the ability to warp to his weapons as well... it really is a new one."

"What are you looking at babe?" Emmy appears behind him and clings on his neck.

"Oh, I'm gonna be a superhero in the future, this is what Calvin sent me yesterday. Look, it says there will be one more new female hero too who is going to be his my partner, you interested?"

"Tempting, but no, have you seem my schedule for the next few years? It's packing. Kristy might be interested though."

"I heard she was casted in Moonlight series though."

"Oh yeah she told me about that, but she was still considering the offer. You should go talk to her yourself."



"Ji Hoon? Rare guest! Never thought you would come see me alone. What brings you here?"

"Exactly why I'm here, to see how you are doing."

"All of the sudden? C'mon Ji Hoon, if you wanted to do that, you would've done that earlier."

"...I'm sorry, I know I didn't pay too much attention to you ever since you came here, I'll try to do better in the future. And this time I'm really here to see how you are doing."

"Hmm... It will never be boring with the girls around, would've been better if you are here more often, you know you are part of the reason I moved here right?"


"Nevermind~ so, enough catching up, anything work related?"

"Have you accepted the role for the movie series Moonlight?"

"Not yet, but I was about to. The director of the movie actually asked me to invite to be the main lead."

"Nope, no way, I've read the book, and I don't wanna be the most hated man by other men in the world, I've already received enough hate and threat messages after the news of me and Emmy dating were revealed."

"Shame, well why did you ask about it?"

"I've another option for you. To be my partner in a superhero movie."

"Hmm? For real?"

"Yeah! Calvin gave me the power to pick who I wanted to pick."

"I'm not the first person you asked am I?"

"I did ask Emmy first, she recommended you."

"At least you are not lying. Fine, I'll accept it, I'll call the director later and cancel the audition."

"What? Just like that? You can wait until you know more about your character and the story you know?"

"Not needed, you know how long I've been waiting to work with you in a project? Forget about the Hairy Bottle movie, we didn't have any interactions."

"...Thank you. Leave everything to me, I'll talk to your director. I don't want you to lose any reputations because of your decision."

"Well, if nobody else is gonna cast me in their movies anymore, I hope you take care of my career and future."

"Oh don't you worry, I will make sure that won't happen."


On the phone with Calvin again

"So Kristy huh?"


"Okay, it's up to you afterall. I'll send the both of you everything you need to know about the characters. Oh and please, don't spoil anything."

"Sure sure don't worry!"

"One more thing, I spoke with Robin's wife one the phone just now, and his audition will be held this weekend. You might wanna come and see it."

"Sure, I'll be there."


P.s Have any of you played the game FFXV? This hero's power is just like Noctis.