Chapter 51 Final scene

Few weeks later

The rating of the drama increases gradually over the episodes, there are even rumours that this drama is gonna wipes most of the big awards this year, and the drama hasn't even finished airing yet.

Right now, they are filming the final scene of the drama, which is the scene at the grave, everyone is relaxing at the side because this is Tae Rim's solo scene until the end. Unfortunately, Tae Rim doesn't seem to be able to immerse herself into her role.

"Tae Rim-ssi, let's take this slow, don't pressure yourself too much, this is the final scene but we still got a lot of time so take all the time you need."

"Nae, thank you director." She thanked the director and walks towards Ji Hoon.

"What's the problem noona?"

"I don't know... I just can't seem to cry..."

"Huh? But I thought you were doing fine before?"

"Before I was always in a conversation with someone, which allowed me to build up sadness and tears more easily, this time I have to do it just by imagination and looking at a pile of sand. What should I do...?"

"Hmm... maybe we can play some sad music in the background? Let's try it now noona." He plays the Ost of the drama for her. She closes her eyes and try her best to immerse herself.

"It's not enough..." Her eyes only got a little moist.

"Well, imagine someone you care about is buried in there, that's what I did."

"Someone I care...?" She tries imagining her first crush from university buried in there, nothing happened, and she tells Ji Hoon about it.

"Crush? You must be kidding. It must be someone stronger than a crush, someone you love! By the way, who did you have a crush on? Is it my senior, my junior, or someone my age?"

"Someone I love..." She ignores his last question and looks at Ji Hoon. Seconds later, tears start rolling down her cheeks.

"Oh! It worked! Who did you think of?"

She shakes her head and wipes off her tears and gives him a bright smile. Without saying anything, she turns to the director.

"Director-nim! I'm ready!" She runs towards the set.

"How can you have so many girlfriends and still be so dense?" Ji Hoon's mom thought to herself while sitting beside looking at their interactions.


This time, the shoot progresses without any NG. Tae Rim's acting suddenly becomes more natural and smooth, including the crying part. However, there's just one tiny little problem, even after finish shooting the scene, Tae Rim still couldn't stop crying.

Everyone looks at each other, not knowing what to do. Finally, Ji Hoon's mom pushes him to Tae Rim.


Bewildered, he turns and looks at his mom, only to see her giving himself a hwaiting pose. (๑˃̵ ᴗ ˂̵)و


"Erm... noona, you okay? You still have one last scene left to shoot, the suicide scene, after that, it's a wrap for all of us."


"Erm... noona?"

"Wah!!!" She raises her face and hugs Ji Hoon tightly.

"It's okay noona, it's okay." He pats her back softly.

"Don't die ahjussi..." She weeps on his shoulder and whispers softly into his ears.

"Ah... this noona is too immersed in the character she lost herself in the process." He thought to himself.

"Noona noona, I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, look at me, I'm fine!" He tries to persuade her like how you do it on a baby.

"Ahjussi..." She raises her head from his shoulder and looks at him in his eyes.

"C'mon noona, snap out of it, you can do this."

"Ji... Hoon?" She starts regaining composure.

"Nae noona."

"Was it another NG?"

"No noona, on the contrary, you did too well. You should take a rest right now."

"Yeah... somehow I remember everything that happened, it's so embarassing..."

"It's a really normal occurrence among us actors. It's good to immerse yourself into a character but it is important to be able to checkout when the shoot is over. There are some people I know that suffered psychology illness because of being too deep into the character, they never break out of it."

"What should I do?"

"Lots of practice, and maybe find something that acts like a key to your heart, like a trigger to wake you up from your dream."

"... I think I got what you mean now. Thank you Ji Hoon." She smiles towards him.

"You are welcome noona, come, I'll bring you to your room, you can take a break there."

"It's okay, I don't wanna waste everyone's time, it's the final scene and all I have to do is lie there and act dead, this is 100 times easier."

"Okay noona, don't be too hard on yourself, hwaiting!"


It took just 5 mins to shoot the last scene.

"Cut! Okay! It's a wrap! Good work everyone!" The director shouted.


Everyone in the celebrates with each other. Tae Rim runs towards Ji Hoon and jumps into his arms happily.

"Ji Hoon ah!" This time calling his name properly.

"I'm gonna congratulate you in advance, the future best actress! This will be your year noona!"

"I couldn't have done this without you, thank you so much Ji Hoon! Thank you, my only ahjussi..."

"Huh? Ahjussi? Are you sti-"

She didn't let him finsh his words and shut his mouth with her own lips.

"Urgh... this noona, always testing my patience. Fine, if you wanna kiss that much, let's do it the proper way." He thought to himself.

He holds her head and they kiss passionately, everyone in the set cheers loudly. Meanwhile, Ji Hoon's mom secretly takes a picture of them kissing and send it to Emmy.

"Hehehe, things are going to be interesting..." Anyone who sees her right now would notice devil's horn growing from her head.


Later, they decide to hold an after-party, just to celebrate the success of the drama and say farewell to each other who has been working together for the past two months.

"Ji Hoon ah! Thank you for choosing me as your director, this really changed my life. Call me anytime you need me."

"How about I give you another offer, bring your crews and join my company, we always welcome new talent here."

"G-gladly boss! Thank you so much!"


"Ji Hoon ah~" A slightly drunk Tae Rim suddenly sits beside him and clings on him.

Noticing the situation, the director winks at him and walks away to give them some space.

"Noona, you are drunk."

"Yeah... I know."

"This is the first time I hear someone admitting it..."

"Hehe, it was really fun working with you Ji Hoon. Let's work with each other more often in the future, whether it is a drama, a movie, an MV or a commercial!"

"You are kinda obsessive huh noona?"

"Only to you, ahjussi. Let's take a picture! Say cheese~"

"You really are drunk."

