Chapter 53 BriJay

"I'm gonna go buy something nice for you to eat, stay on the bed okay?"

"Okay okay, stop nagging, I know my own body more than you, just don't buy anything spicy."

"Got it, be back soon!" Ji Hoon leaves the house.


"So? How did it feel?"

"Unnie was really loud yesterday..." (⁄ ⁄•⁄ꇴ⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

"Err... it was painful at the beginning, then it became better gradually, let's just say the whole experience was a good pain."

"Good pain? Are you an M or something?"

"Hmph! You would never understand if you don't experience it yourself." (❛◡˂̵ ̑̑✧)

"Unnie, you somehow looks a little different than yesterday~" Jee Eun asked suddenly.

"Hmm? Different where?"

"Right?! I felt it too, your face looks brighter, and your aura becomes stronger too."

"Hehehe, maybe this the difference between a girl and a woman~"

"Ugh, I wanna punch your face so much right now."

"Enough of this, help me to the bathroom, I feel so sweaty all over my body, I'm gonna take a long warm bath~!"

"Already giving us commands as the first wife huh?"



30 mins later, three of them finish bathing and Ji Hoon is also back home.

"I bought chicken congee for all of us, I heard this is really nourishing."

"This looks really plain though."

"Bear with it for three days, gotta make sure Emmy is okay."

"Thanks babe~"

"You are welcome babe~"

"Ugh... I'm gonna go to the next door to eat with Kristy and Brina. I felt full just watching you two being all lovey-dovey." Tay picks up her plate and rushes outside.

"Erm, oppa and unnie, I'm gonna follow her as well... you two have a nice breakfast!" Jee Eun follows her.

"Babe, they looked jealous."

"I know, but you are the main priority today."

"Oh it's fine~ just carry me back to the room after breakfast, I'm gonna spend the whole day watching some variety show, I gotta catch up to your drama too, I missed the last week's episodes."

"I can accompany you the whole day, I've finished shooting the drama, I'm very free now."

"Fine~ do whatever you want~" (ˊ•͈ ◡ •͈ˋ)


After breakfast, Ji Hoon is cleaning the dishes while Emmy is watching TV on the couch. That's when someone starts knocking at the door.

"Hello~ Jay? Emmy? Anybody home?"

"Isn't that Brina?" Ji Hoon's voice can be heard from the kitchen.

"Yeah. Come in Brina!" Emmy shouts at the front door.

"Ah... Morning Emmy! You too Jay!"

"Why didn't you just come in? We gave you the keys so that you can come wheneber you want."

"I was worried you and Emmy might be doing something... else."

"...Tay said something stupid again didn't she?"

"No, it was actually Jee Eun who said it."

"What?!" x2

Ji Hoon quickly walks towards Emmy and whispers to her.

"Was she actually the mastermind behind Tay all along?!"

"That girl is really dangerous... gotta be really careful around her next time."

Jee Eun who is on her to the company suddenly sneezes.

"Bless you. You okay back there Jee Eun?" The manager who is driving the car asks her worriedly.

"I'm fine, maybe someone was talking behind my back, don't worry about it~"

"Was oppa thinking about me?" She thought to herself. (´͈ ᵕ `͈ )


"I actually came here because I have some important things to report and discuss with you."

"Oh c'mon Brina, you sounded like a secretary, relax a bit, there are no outsiders here."

"I may not be your secretary but I'm still your manager, so I figured I should act more formal when talking about business related stuffs."

"...fine. Well what is it?"

"First, they have started filming 'Mr. Tech' yesterday, and they want me to inform you that you will be appearing in the post-credit scene of the movie, so be ready when you receive a call from them."

"Okay, next."

"Secondly, I will officially be your manager starting next week, I just got my driver license with Tay yesterday."

"Ohhh congratz!"

"Thank you and lastly, there's something I wanted to discuss with you, I wanna listen to your opinion."

"About what?"

"I have an idea, to create a social media application."

"Like F-book and Bluebird?"

"Similar, but not really. I wanna create a social media that focus mainly on photos and videos."

'Isn't this Insta?' Ji Hoon thought to himself.

"Hmm... can I ask how did you get this idea?"

"Ever since I moved here, I picked up a new hobby, which is photography. I take pictures and record some special event everyday and sometimes I wanna upload them on my social media, and it can be very inconvenient sometimes because of all the steps required just to upload a single picture. That's where the idea came from."

'Are you sure you are not from the future or something?' Again, Ji Hoon thought to himself.

"She is right, maybe I'm just lazy or something but that's the reason why I rarely use those social media." Emmy gives her opinion.

"Right? I wanna be able to share the pictures and videos more efficiently and effectively. Do you think this could work?" Brina asks both of them.

"If it is as you said, I would definitely use it more often." Said Emmy.

"In my opinion, this is a very interesting idea, and this will 100% work. Have you spoken about this with uncle Bernard?"

"Nope, and I don't plan to. This something I wanna do with just you, Emmy and the girls in this family, I don't wanna involve the Lavinia."

"Ambitious, have you thought this through? This will be way easier if you have their support, what about the funds needed?"

"Papa gave me a lot of money when I moved here, and this project doesn't really need a lot of money so that won't be a problem. The problem comes after the app is launched, that's when you and the girls have to show your influences in the world."

"What about the name of the app?"

"I want a name that when I look at it, it will remind me of me and you, this is afterall like our baby~"

"What about JiBri?" < Emmy

"That sounds horrible, Brina's name should be in the front because this is her idea. What about BriJi?" < Ji Hoon

"That doesn't sound any better at all... Let's go with BriJay! It looks good and it sounds good." < Brina

"Hmm... not bad..." x2 Ji Hoon and Emmy both give their thumbs up.
