Chapter 62 Boah

"Seonsaengnim (teacher), why did you call me here?" Boah enters the room after knocking it and getting permission.

"Boah, look who is here." President Lee pointd at Ji Hoon.

"Hmm? Oh isn't this Ji Hoon oppa? ... wait... Ji Hoon oppa?!?! Why are you here?!" She didn't notice him when she came in because she was facing his back.

"Hi Boah-ssi, nice to meet you!"

"Ahh!!! Seonsaengnim! Why didn't you tell me oppa is here?! I could've wear some makeup before coming here! Please don't look at me oppa..."

"Don't worry Boah-ssi, you look pretty even without makeup. And you don't to call me oppa, I'm just a few months older than you, if you don't mind, we can just be casual around each other."

"Really?! But I think I will continue calling you oppa, that's how every girls in your fan club call you, no matter their age. You can just call me Boah though!"

"Wow, having the Queen of Kpop calling me oppa, it's my pleasure."

"Nono! The pleasure is all mine! Can we take a picture together?"

"Here?" Ji Hoon secretly points at the president.

"Ah! Sorry seonsaengnim, I totally forgot about you!"

"It's fine, don't worry about me, I expected this reaction from you. It would be weirder if you don't act this way. However, we still have more important matter to discuss, that's why you are here Boah, you guys can have fun after that." The president said so cooly.

"Ah... nae!"

"Now let me explain what Ji Hoon and I discussed before you came here to you, listen carefully."


Five minutes later,

"Really?! What's there to even think about? Of course I'm in!" Boah jumps up from her seat excitedly.

"See? What did I tell you? She would 100% agree to this."

"I'm relieved now that I hear it from herself."

"So, when do we start?"

"Here, this is the lyrics of the song, get yourself familiar with it, then you can come to my company to record it when you are ready."

"Nae oppa."

"Okay, since everything is settled, both of you get out of my office right now, I still have lots of paperwork to do. We will leave the rest of the details to our lawyers." The president kicks them out.

"Thank you President Lee!"


"Any idea what we should do right now?" Boah asks Ji Hoon once they are are outside.

"Maybe we should meet up with Young Soo, then we can discuss about song, let's go to my company."

"Nae oppa~"

"By the way Boah, when did you debut?

"It was 2000, but it was an aberage debut, my career only started blooming when I was sent to Japan at 2002."

"You were like 16 that time? Damn, must be hard for you." (This is a real story)

"It was really hard in the beginning, but luck was on my side, my first album there was a huge success and suddenly everything just skyrocketed. Tell you the truth, I was just a sacrificial piece to test out the japanese market, it was a miracle that things turned out that way."

"Turned out it was the best decision your company has ever made."

"Yeah... don't tell anyone about this okay? This is not a good look for my company."

"I know, but to be safe, you shouldn't have tell me in the first place. Should I tell you one of my secret too just to be fair?"


"I came from the future."

"Ayy... if you don't wanna share it's fine, what is that oppa?"

"I'm serio-"

"It's okay oppa, you don't have to say anything, I'm just gonna believe you~"

"You don't sound like you believe me at all."

"No no, I totally believe you! Let me guess, you know everything that happens until 2020."

"2021 actually."

"Wow that's great oppa, can you tell me what happened in the future?"

"I know one thing, President Lee will step down from his position in the future."

"Ayy... I don't believe that. He is the founder of the company, and the company wouldn't work properly without him as the president., plus, he has no reason to step down. You are trippin oppa, I think you've read too much novel."

"Pft, let's just wait and see what happen."


Back to Pixie Entertainment

Ji Hoon calls Young Soo on the phone.

"Young Soo ah, come to the studio, Boah is here, don't bring the other girls though, it will be chaos if they are all here."

"Nae oppa."

Minutes later

"Oppa! Where is Boah sunbaenim?! Wow! You really did manage to get her?"

"Of course, that's why I want you to give your max effort for this song. Don't embarrass yourself in front of your Boah sunbaenim."

"Oppa! Why are you saying that to right now?!"

"Because you are worriesome, your vocal specifically."

"Don't worry oppa, I will practice harder just for this song! Trust me!"

"You better do, otherwise someone else will be taking your spot."

"Oppa, stop adding pressure on her, she will do just fine. Hey Young Soo, nice to meet you!" Boah cuts in.

"Hello, sunbaenim! This oppa is always like this, he is a demon when it comes to work."

"Hehe, then you haven't seen my company's president, he is way more strict than Ji Hoon oppa."

"Hey, why are you making me look like a bad guy over here? And you Young Soo, a demon you said?" Ji Hoon questions her.

"Don't you know oppa? That's your image in this company. Peaceful and friendly when you are off, but a demon at work."

"W-what? I can't believe that's how they think about me..."

"Don't worry oppa, someone is worse than you."


"Your little sister, Soo Yeon. She is the demon lord, doesn't matter if it's off duty or not."

"That... don't make me feel better at all."


"Here the lyrics for you Young Soo, I've highlighted your parts, be sure to memorize them, you too Boah. And take this, this is the sample, I sang this myself." Ji Hoon passes them both a CD.

"I'll listen to it when I get home."

"Okay! That's it, wanna go grab a dinner together? My treat! After that, I'll send you both home."

"Of course oppa! Let's go!"


P.s Happy Chinese New Year everyone, wish everyone of you stay healthy and happy!