19. Old but Handsome

Irawan stood up and stepped behind Zee's chair, trying to peek at what was making Zee focus on her paper. He looked at some of the writings related to the case of one of the patients which was currently the topic of their conversation.

"Is there anything that makes you nervous?"

Zee shook her head. She continued to look at Afzal's medical record after receiving special treatment at her clinic.

"I just wanted to make sure he's getting better. Don't let him leave the clinic still injured."

Irawan shook his head. He was sure that he had found a different Zee from before. So far, Irawan knows that Zee never cared for the man, she has never shown any special attention to any patient, but now, she is actually checking the medical records of her patients who have left Assyifa with extreme anxiety.

"I've checked on him and I'm sure he's one hundred per cent in good shape. No serious injuries. Do not worry."

Zee nodded. She put Afzal's progress notes into the drawer and turned her attention to the medical records of other patients. Her brow furrowed when she saw a report about a man who had an autoimmune disease.

Once again, Irawan focused on paying attention to the patient's record of abnormalities at Zee's clinic. He smiled. In his heart he was cheering because he finally had the opportunity to learn a lot from the woman who became his teacher's favorite. Zee is the first student from their beloved teacher who is entrusted with several techniques to treat rare diseases by performing special diagnoses and rarely get the mandate.

"Autoimmune? Do you have a way of dealing with the disease?"

"Of course, God willing."

"May I see how you diagnose and treat your patient? I have a lot of autoimmune patients, but I don't have the capacity to take any action yet."

Zee took a deep breath. In fact, she was annoyed with Irawan, who pretended not to know how to deal with patients with autoimmune complaints. Several times they studied together and several times their teacher gave the same case, but Irawan said that not having the capacity to help patients with the same case for Zee was a big lie.

Zee did know that there were some students who received education about diagnosing and treating autoimmune and other diseases, but she couldn't understand the man's confession at this time.

"I'm pretty sure that the young doctor in front of me has more flying hours than me. It would be a big lie if he said he didn't have the capacity. I advised him not to be too self-deprecating and mock my abilities."

"I am right. Not lying to you at all. Please, pass on a little knowledge that you have to me too. Whatever you want, I will give it sincerely. Please, I beg you"

Zee shook her head. She stared at Irawan for a moment then continued to focus on the paper in front of her. She immediately stood up and walked away leaving Irawan in his place.

"Hey wait for me! Don't leave it like this. How can I look for you in a big clinic that is always crowded with visitors? I might get lost in your room."

Zee stopped in her tracks. She looked around, trying to find Diana, her best friend who worked at her clinic and had loved Irawan for a long time. She really wanted to match them and give the both people the opportunity to work together, but unfortunately, several times she looked around, Zee had not found the person she was looking for,

"Good afternoon, Doctor Lia. We are ready to escort Doctor Lia to make observations on Mr. Raharja."

"Is there already a family waiting?"

"There are only two assistants, Doctor. That's all women. His wife and son are busy on a business trip."

"Well that's that then. Then let's go there. I'm so sorry Mr. Raharja. Rich but not getting the attention of the family."

Sazkia, the mainstay nurse at Assyifa nodded. He immediately took the file containing all the progress notes of the VIP class patients and followed Zee to the Raharja room. Irawan still continued to follow them in silence. He didn't want to lose the moment at all. Several times he plugged in his cell phone to record all the actions taken by Zee while treating Raharja. Arriving at Raharja's treatment room, Zee came in and greeted several maids who were sitting on the sofa chatting.

"Assalamualaikum, Mr. Raharja. How are you today?"

Zee immediately took a sitting position next to the patient. She wanted to do a brief interview before carrying out the execution. She wanted to explore some of the problems related to the patient's illness.

"Waalaikumsalam, Doctor Lia. Thanks god I'm good. I hope Doctor Lia is also well." Kusuma looked at Zee with a wide smile that made Irawan clench his jaw. Despite his age, Kusuma is a handsome man who still has feelings of love when he sees beautiful women approaching him.

"Master is such a healthy person." Irawan's greeting made everyone in the room stare at the handsome doctor with a frown. They did not know that Dr. Irawan was jealous of Zee and Kusuma closeness.

"Alhamdulillah, being in this clinic my pain is a little better, Doctor. The waiters here are friendly and I never lack the attention of the friendly and handsome and lovely staff. Today my spirits increased when I received a visit from two beautiful people who greeted me warmly."

Raharja deliberately emphasized the word beautiful because he knew Irawan was annoyed with him. He spoke while biting his lip to endure the pain that was attacking several parts of his body. His pale face was still smiling, making Irawan look at him more intensely.

Zee, who saw all of Irawan's behavior that was out of bounds, immediately asked Sazkia to call several male officers to help him diagnose and take action. He reached out his hand, touching several points on Raharja's body.

"Does this hurt?"

Raharja shook her head. Some of the spots that Zee touched didn't hurt, but somehow he felt that his whole body was in trouble. Zee stopped her touch and nodded while looking at Raharja one more time.

"Have you been taking medicine regularly, sir? I feel that some of the weak points on the Master's body are strange. No one is sick and there are two indications. The first indication is that you are actually healthy and the second indication is that the patient has been taking the drug for too long, so that some nerves have died from the effects of the overdose."

"I must be second, doctor. I'm sure there's nothing wrong with this body. I eat but still very weak, my body slowly shrinks as if there is no food intake that makes me healthy."

Zee asked some male nurses who had just arrived to help Kusuma sit. She stretched out her hand, touching the patient's spine. She hissed, feeling how severe Raharja's condition was based on the structure of his spine.

"Give an energy booster so that the patient has enough energy to carry out therapy."

"Ready, doctor."

Everyone is ready to carry out orders from their superiors. One nurse at the head and one at the feet. Several times they do treatment to patients and make a face that was originally pale to a little red.