24. In humane Punishmen

Afzal who heard Leo's answer tightened his jaw. He was annoyed when the woman he thought was his goddess had to suffer because of this arrogant and cruel man.

"Even with women you still want to win alone? Aren't you ashamed that what you did was really miserable? If only I had arrived late, I don't know what my woman would go through next. I'm sure he will curse himself continuously throughout the day and I absolutely cannot tolerate all the actions of your men."

Leo snorted after hearing Afzal's words. He was really disappointed in his subordinates who had been given full trust to carry out Andini's execution. Not only did they fail, they actually brought disaster for him. Leo clenched his fists then tried to punch the air. Seeing Leo's annoyance, Afzal only looked at him for a moment. He was reluctant to convince herself that the man she had considered his enemy was holding back anger for his actions.

"Is there something that makes you feel that you should be so upset? Don't even think about letting go of me because I absolutely will never allow my men to let go of you."

"Go ahead if you can."

Afzal looked at Leo and returned his gaze to his men, as if asking them to continue with their original intention of bringing the mafia leader to the headquarters where they were gathering prisoners.

Afzal's men who understood the meaning of Afzal's gaze immediately nodded and carried out the order. After Afzal left the arena, they immediately stepped closer to Leo and tried to catch the boy warily.

After leaving his subordinates with Leo, Afzal immediately walked to a car, where there was already waiting for doctor Andini, who was still traumatized by the abuse he had experienced. Andini, who was still laying her head on her knees, sat in the backseat with her body covered in sweat, shaking violently with the emotions she couldn't express.

Afzal looked at Andini who was still loyal to her original position. He wanted to reach out and take the girl's body into his arms but he couldn't because he was afraid that it would add to the trauma for the young doctor. Several times he tried to take deep breaths to calm his mind, several times he failed.

Afzal's men who saw his boss completely helpless because of a woman's actions could only shake their heads while waiting for Afzal's next reaction.

"Are we going to stay here sir? It was getting late and we had to hurry to the base. I'm sure Tuan's men are waiting for you there. They must be looking forward to the execution."

Afzal nodded his head. With one jump he managed to sit next to Andini and made the girl shift her body while continuing to shake her head.

"Don't be afraid of me because I will protect you from those bad guys. I will not hurt you. Andini. I'm sorry for my carelessness, you became a victim like this. I shouldn't have been quicker to keep them from doing anything to you."

Andini just looked at Afzal for a moment then lowered her head again. She still remembers the man next to her. A former patient who was treated at Asyifa and always made the clinic owner angry because she received unpleasant treatment from the man.

"Put me down and don't you ever take me anywhere you go because I won't let anyone else carry my body. I have no self-respect at all. Even though they can't touch me, I still feel unworthy to live on this earth."

Afzal frowned at Andini's words, as if he was only talking to himself. He knew what the girl next to him might do and he didn't want Andini to do anything out of the ordinary because she felt she had no honor.

Afzal asked the driver to speed up the vehicle and never let this girl do anything out of bounds.

"Keep an eye on him and never let your guard down. I don't want anything to happen to her. She is my Goddess of help and I don't want her to be overly traumatized by the bad experience she just had."

"Okay Sir, we will do as ordered by the Master.. We will take care of Miss as best we can and will make her return to her normal position as before without any trauma. We have a psychiatrist who can make some crazy people recover. I hope Miss can recover as soon as possible."

"Good, I like the way you guys work. Never disappoint me. without the help of that girl I would never be standing here in front of you.

All of Afzal's men who were in the car that took them to the headquarters just nodded

in his head. They promised to always be loyal to Afzal. So far they know how Afzal treats them and their families. Although he is sometimes rude, his care for his family makes them fascinated by the treatment of this arrogant man.

Arriving at the headquarters, Afzal stepped out of the car and let Andini remain in her original position. The man could not determine what steps would be taken to bring the girl into his house. Afzal knew that his arrival at the house was only to teach Leo's men a lesson who had acted arbitrarily against Andini.

"Take care of her and don't ever leave the girl because I'm going inside. After I finish everything I will take him into the apartment and take good care of him Like he saved my life."

"Yes sir. I will carry out all your orders."

Without waiting for his subordinates to finish their sentence, they immediately stepped into the headquarters. There, several men were neatly tied to their chairs, as Andini had when she was at Leo's house. They looked very pale and almost all of them were crying.

Afzal stepped closer to some of his subordinates, asking for an explanation of what treatment they had done to intimidate Leo's men, which had traumatized Andini.

"Tell me what you have done to them to take revenge from the girl they have turned like crazy. Never say that you haven't done anything at all. They deserve to be treated harshly from you in order to take revenge from the girl who has become my helper goddess.

A subordinate immediately approached and told the details of the incident they were doing to Leo's men.

"We've castrated them, sir. Just as the Master suggested over the phone." Afzal was stunned to hear the answer from his subordinates who said that he called and gave orders to them to carry out castration. He had never thought about the cruelest punishment he had inflicted on a fellow human being, but right now he preferred to remain silent and did not refuse anything his subordinates said regarding the order.

Afzal approached Leo's 5 loyal assistants and looked at them one by one with pity. He wanted to say harsh words, but he couldn't because he remembered Andini was in the car and it was very likely that she would be able to get down and arrange it inside.

"I congratulate you on the new form you have just received. Hopefully with this new form you can act more wisely towards the opposite sex and not easily vent all the passions that exist within you. Even though I know you guys carried out the harassment on the orders of your superiors. Make this a valuable lesson for you."

Leo's five subordinates only looked at Afzal with sharp eyes. They did not receive any cruel treatment from Afzal and his men. Even though they admit what they did to Andini was totally inhumane.