87. Act Like a kid

Zee and Santi are still busy discussing their future. Zee expresses her desire to have a house in Imogiri village while Santi reveals that she can live in a big city. Two different sides spoken by two girls from different backgrounds. After being satisfied playing with the beach water, the both of them finally returned to Santi's house with 1 small plastic crab.

They ran from the beach on tiptoe and occasionally jumped to avoid the sand that stung the soles of their feet.

"Aaa, Lia, I'm so hot."

"Me, too. My feet hurt so bad because this sand really stings. Ahh, but I'll be here again tomorrow and the day after."

"God willing. Don't forget to say that okay?"

Santi laughed then raised her hands, surrendering to Zee who was known as a very lively woman. Arriving at Santi's house, they immediately cleaned up and stepped into the kitchen to help Santi's mother cook the fish they caught."