144. Zee's Spirit

Afzal, who heard the man who had just arrived, said his wife was a bitch, finally approached and grabbed the man's collar and landed his fist on his face.

"Once again you say my wife is a bitch, I will not hesitate to kill you and throw your body into the sea. Just so you know, she is the most difficult woman for me to beat in this world. She always keeps herself away from men and never friends with the opposite sex. I've been married to her for a month and we still have to socialize with each other. She's still original and hasn't been touched by men at all."

The man who is currently in Afzal's hands is stunned to hear the man's words. He was actually amazed by what Afzal said but to cover his weakness he laughed.

"Hahaha it's not because she's untouchable by men but because you're the one who's so stupid. You're a boy and don't have the ability to…aaaa."