A Forced Contract

Mu Qinglan didn't have time to react yet when the stone bed was finally completely shattered!

The violent burst of energy in the air scattered in all directions, almost bringing down the entire cave with its impact!

Mu Qinglan felt her heart constrict uncomfortably as she was overwhelmed by the energy. If it weren't for the last shred of willpower that she was holding onto, she would have fainted a long time ago.

"What do you mean, lucky? I can't even deal with a Tier 6 primordial beast, let alone a Tier 9 one!"

Although it seemed that Yun Yi had come for this, who knew how the situation would play out!

She didn't want to be buried here!

When Xue You heard this, he chuckled lightly.

Mu Qinglan froze at that, and suddenly had a fierce realization. "You're not planning on doing something with that Tier 9 beast, are you?" 

Xue You replied lazily, "Tier 9 primordial beasts are also considered to be rare, and if you can contract it, your power will naturally increase by a lot." 

Mu Qinglan obviously knew what it meant to contract with a Tier 9 primordial beast, but that was only if she even had the power to do it in the first place!

"This primordial beast has just been born, so you still do have a chance." 

Xue You said it so easily, and Mu Qinglan was so exasperated, she didn't even bother to roll her eyes at him.

When she had stolen from Yun Yi a few times in the Zhongyuan Secret Realm, it was because both their strengths had been suppressed downwards to the Primary Yuan Realm. But now?

She'd better make sure she was able to get out of this place alive first.

Mu Qinglan had retreated on time, and wasn't greatly affected by the burst of energy. But the Fire Spirit Lion had not been able to dodge it, and was instantly hit harshly by the burst of energy!

The red light was extremely dazzling, and although the stone bed made from Yuan Soul-Fire Crystal had also been red, it was far less blinding than the light that was shining right now.

And the power contained within it was naturally also very strong.


The Fire Spirit Lion was knocked to the ground heavily, and blood stained the rough ground as it slid a few dozen meters away.

Mu Qinglan held her breath and watched the event with unblinking eyes.

Although the Fire Spirit Lion was severely injured, it had tried to protect its child and a big chunk of flesh had been sliced off its body. The white of the bones inside was vaguely visible, but the cub was safe and sound.

At this time, the little cub seemed to also realize that something was wrong, and started wailing in the arms of the Fire Spirit Lion.

The Fire Spirit Lion reluctantly raised its head and glanced at the middle of the room where the brilliant bright red light was shining, its eyes filled with awe and fear.

Its body trembled, and blood continued to trickle down from its wounds. The ground was soon stained with more red. The attack had been so powerful that it swept away the last bit of courage and strength from the Fire Spirit Lion.

The Fire Spirit Lion was a Tier 6 primordial beast!

Suddenly, chirping sounds came from the dazzling red light!

Mu Qingland jerked her head upwards!

This sound…

"It really is one of the Vermillion Bird clans…" Xue You calmly said, not a hint of surprise in his voice.

"But, the Vermillion Bird clans have always been extremely chatty, and they also place a huge significance on blood lines. This place is remote and desolated, how can they stay here?" 

Mu Qinglan heard it all clearly. In addition to being surprised at a Tier 9 Vermillion Bird making an appearance here, she also paid attention to the doubt in Xue You's voice.

It looks like Xue You knew a lot about primordial beasts, but she still didn't know where he came from.

In the room, Yun Yi stood in the air and he gathered Yuan Energy to form a silver sword in his hand which glowed radiantly. The pressure emanating from the blade pressed on the people who were in the vicinity.

He raised his hand slowly, pointing the silver sword directly at the red fire.

"Are you going to come on your own, or… you want me to take you forcefully away?" 

His jet black eyes held indifference, and only his eyebrows were slightly furrowed, as if the primordial beast was not a top-tier existence, but just an ordinary opponent. 

And the words he spoke were as though he already knew the Vermillion Bird was not a match for him, and was just waiting for it to give itself up and submit.

A dark look flashed in Mu Qinglan's eyes.

It seems that Yun Yi's strength was far stronger than what he had shown so far.

When Yun Yi's words fell, the red brilliant glow seemed to suddenly become even more dazzling!

Feeling the blazing heat from the surge of energy, Mu Qinglan felt as though her skin was burning up!


A clear cry suddenly sounded out!

Hearing the sound, the Fire Spirit Lion, who was already on its last leg, suddenly shriveled up even more!

Its body which shook slightly fell down with a bang to its knees!

It looked up to the place where the screech had come from, endless fear and regret in its eyes!

The pressure coming from the Vermillion Bird made it powerless to fight back!

The Fire Spirit Lion let out a soft whimper, but then it suddenly plucked its cub from its arms and placed it behind itself, using its own body to block in front of the cub.

Then, it prostrated on the ground slowly, displaying an extremely humble attitude.

Mu Qinglan raised an eyebrow.

"The Fire Spirit Lion must have not known that it was actually a Vermillion Bird that was sealed under here, right?" 

Xue You said from within Mu Qinglan's heart, and she asked with some doubt, "What do you mean?

"This Vermillion Bird, for some reason, fell here, and was even sealed at the bottom of this mountain and had not come out to the world before. So, naturally there hadn't been any movement, which is why no one has discovered its existence even after so long." 

Otherwise, the Nine Foot Mountain Range would have been overturned a long time ago!

"However, although it had not yet been born, it is still after all a bloodline of the noble Vermillion Bird, and it naturally contained energy that is extremely strong. The Fire Spirit Lion must have found something, and made this place its nest. By borrowing this power, the Fire Spirit Lion naturally enhanced its strength very quickly. But, it was also very greedy. By placing its cub on top of the sealed stone bed, it must have wanted to rely on that power to make its cub even stronger." 

Xue You snorted.

"It never thought that below the sealed stone bed would be an existence that it couldn't afford to offend! It wanted to use the power of the Vermillion Bird? The Fire Spirit Lion really isn't afraid of death." 

Mu Qinglan nodded with understanding.

So, that was what happened.

The Fire Spirit Lion was smart, but it had become a victim of its own ingenuity.

The Vermillion Bird seemed to have made an appearance in order to settle this debt, and the blow just now was a lesson to the Fire Spirit Lion.

The Fire Spirit Lion knew that it had made a mistake, and was afraid it would die here today, so it offered its own life to protect its cub.

Just as she was thinking about this, Mu Qinglan suddenly saw that the red ball of light suddenly shone and started to change!

She could vaguely make out a shadowy figure on the inside, and it looked like…


Following which, Mu Qinglan could see the wing suddenly moving!

A beam of red light shot out fiercely and enveloped the Fire Spirit Lion!

This attack was made with the intention to kill!

As a Tier 9 primordial beast, how could the Vermillion Bird tolerate being used like this?

The red light only enveloped the Fire Spirit Lion for a moment, and the lion fell to the ground once more in pain, emitting a miserable hissing sound.

When the Fire Spirit Lion cub saw this, it also seemed to realize something, and turned around abruptly and tried to escape!

However, the red light quickly split out another beam and smacked directly into its head!

The small body of the lion cub froze, then fell to the ground limply.

When the Fire Spirit Lion saw this, it let out an agonizing wail and was about to rush over, but its life was already at its end, and it rolled a few times on the ground before it stopped, completely still.

The entire cave fell into an eerie silence.

Yun Yi had been coldly watching the scene unfold, and it was only now that the light on the tip of his silver sword shone brightly!

"The matter here is over. Follow me." 

The light gradually faded away, revealing the appearance of the Vermillion Bird to clearly be seen, and a pair of crimson wings appeared. 

However, just as Yun Yi's words fell, the Vermillion Bird suddenly raised its eyes, as if there was a trace of smugness in it. Then, its gaze shot towards Mu Qinglan, who was standing to the side!

Yun Yi seemed to realize something and he let out a stern shout, "Don't you dare!" 


The Vermillion Bird flapped its wings, and like a shooting star, it launched itself towards Mu Qinglan!

Mu Qinglan only saw a red shadow flash before her eyes, then a sudden flare of pain on her palm before it felt like something had crashed into her body!

Her entire body tensed up, frozen. But, in the depths of her consciousness, an uncontrollable scorching heat started to burn her from the insides!

That was…

The Vermillion Bird!