Not the Least Interested in It

The entire courtyard was plunged into a dead silence once again that day.

When everyone heard those words, they were all frozen on the spot, and none of them looked like they could react.

Mu Yan's expression changed, his heart skipping a beat. Then, he frowned and said in his deep voice, "Linghan, although you and Mu Ye don't get along with each other, that's ultimately a private matter between the two of you. The family trial is not a place where you can thoughtlessly run your mouth off." 

The meaning behind Mu Yan's words was clear, he obviously thought that Mu Qinglan's words were lies to poke back at Mu Ye.

The other elders, who looked shocked, also calmed down after hearing that.

That's right, Mu Linghan was just trash right now, how was it possible for him to have obtained a Tier 6 Yuan Core?

Even for them, it was absolutely impossible!

Mu Ye laughed coldly from the side. "Mu Linghan, you didn't go crazy from getting all worked up, have you?" 

A Tier 6 Yuan Core? How extremely arrogant of him! Mu Linghan really did think he was some kind of big shot, didn't he?

The surrounding people also gradually calmed down from their shock as they listened to the exchanged words, but the gazes on Mu Linghan had now changed.

Some had sympathy in their eyes, while some had surprise, mockery, and also ridicule.

Mu Qinglan's face didn't change, her eyes sweeping calmly towards Mu Ye.

"Just because you can't do it, it doesn't mean that others can't." 

The mocking smile on Mu Ye's lips froze suddenly.

Mu Qinglan turned to look at Mu Yan. "It seems that Master Mu Yan and the elders don't believe me either. Well, seeing is believing, right?" 

Having said that, she turned her palm over to show a blood-red Yuan Core in her hand.

A powerful pressure burst out at once!

Mu Yan's face changed instantly! He immediately took a step backward, his gaze still fixed on the Yuan Core that was in Mu Qinglan's hand.

The Yuan Core was the size of a dragon's eye, and it was a dazzling red color. The red was intense and rich, and with just a glance, everyone could feel the dense and majestic power that swirled on the inside!

A fierce, bold aura continued to cover the entire area!

Looking carefully, there were even faint lines on it, and Mu Yan's heart was almost in his throat as he held his breath to count it.

One line, two line, three line…

Four, five…

Looking at the last faint line, Mu Yan couldn't stop his lips from trembling, and he was stunned silent on the spot! As though he had received a great blow!

"I-It's true! I-it's really a Tier 6 Yuan Core!" An elder immediately shouted out in a somewhat shrill voice.

Moreover, with such an overwhelming aura leaking out, it could only be a Tier 6 peak grade Yuan Core!

How was this possible?!

Hearing those words, the crowd was once again plunged into another round of silence, and those mocking smiles on their faces were frozen, looking very ridiculous.

Mu Ye was the first to react, and since he was standing close to Mu Qinglan, he naturally could also see the six lines on the Yuan Core too!

"You're lying!" Mu Ye immediately raised his hand to point at Mu Qinglan, his face red with anger. "This must be fake! You must have used some underhanded means to get this!" 

Mu Ye's scream and anger was extraordinary, and it pierced through the entire courtyard.

"You're just trash, how could you possibly obtain a Tier 6 Yuan Core? You despicable—"

"Whether it's true or not, Master Mu Yan and the elders know at a glance," Mu Qinglan replied calmly as she looked at Mu Yan with raised eyebrows.

Mu Ye choked back the last of his words, shooting a look at Mu Yan, obviously not willing to give up on this matter. This must be fake! It had to be!

All eyes fell on Mu Yan as they waited with bated breath.

Mu Yan stared for a long time before he slowly straightened up, took a deep breath and said, "This is a real Tier 6 Yuan Core." 

Woosh! This single sentence sent everyone present into a boiling frenzy!

Only someone like the patriarch of the main family was able to enter into a contract with a Tier 6 primordial beast. To everyone present here, that was already an unattainable feat for them!

Who would have thought that Mu Linghan would actually return with a Tier 6 Yuan Core?

Didn't that mean that he had killed a Tier 6 primordial beast?!

This… was that even possible?!

Mu Qinglan's lips curled up. "Master Mu Yan has a good eye. This is a Tier 6 Yuan Core from the Fire Spirit Lion." 

Mu Yan and several elders were stunned once more, and one of them couldn't help but ask, "A Fire Spirit Lion?" 

Mu Qinglan nodded. "In the beginning, I entered the Nine Foot Mountain Range with Mu Ye and everyone else. Not wanting to be besieged by the Brown Striped White Tigers, Mu Ye threw the others into the lot of them and ran to save his own life. Of course, I still value my own life, so I escaped the first chance I got. The others… well, even their corpses were not left behind."

Mu Ye, who had a dark expression on his face since a while ago, had his fist clenched tightly. The veins were popping out on his clenched first, and if it wasn't for the last shred of logic in his mind, he would have reached out to tear Mu Linghan to pieces by now!

"I didn't want to, but I lost my way after that. I don't know how long I walked, but I found deeper into the mountain, there was some commotion, and many primordial beats were fleeing. I hid carefully and eventually found a cave. I wanted to take a break in it, but after I went in, I found a dead Fire Spirit Lion inside. I went in and took its Yuan Core." 

She raised her chin slightly, and all eyes fell on the blood-red Yuan Core that was still in her palm. The energy pulsing from the core only grew thicker as moments passed.

"And that's how I got this." 

Her tone was light, and her expression was relaxed, as though it was just a simple, idle matter she was talking about.

However, the others were not as relaxed as her.

Many people gave her dumbfounded looks, and even Mu Yan the others were stunned.

These days, one could even just randomly pick up a Tier 6 Yuan Core when they took a walk outside?!

When did something like this become so easy to obtain?!

Mu Qinglan didn't care what these people were thinking on the inside. She flipped her wrist and kept the Yuan Core away, then asked, "So, can we now judge who got first?" 

All chatter disappeared immediately, and a terrifying silence descended in the courtyard again.

What a joke! Having a Tier 6 Yuan Core, that was a secured first place! All those people who had gotten Tier 2 Yuan Core now seemed like a joke!

Even Mu Ye's enviable Tier 2 peak grade Yuan Core seemed like a joke now!

Mu Qinglan raised her eyes and looked at Mu Yan.

"What's wrong, Master Mu Yan? Is it hard to tell who's first place?" 

Mu Yan looked at Mu Qinglan, but only saw that this usually silent youngster now looked like a sharp sword that had been unsheathed and was sharp beyond comparison! It made one terrified of trying to test just how sharp the blade could be!

His heart shook, and he finally regained his senses completely. 

"The first place for this year's family trial is Mu Ling…"

"Wait!" Mu Ye suddenly shouted out loud, interrupting Mu Yan's words. "Master Mu Yan, I have a question for Mu Linghan!" 

Mu Yan looked over with a frown on his face, but eventually, he nodded his head.

Mu Ye looked at Mu Qinglan, then smiled sinisterly and asked, "You said that it was a dead Fire Spirit Lion?" 

Mu Qinglan nodded.

However, Mu Ye burst out laughing and cursed, "Mu Linghan! Who do you think you're fooling? In Luo Xi City, no one can kill a Tier 6 primordial beast! Moreover, even if you really lucked out and happened to find a dead Fire Spirit Lion, why would the person not take the Yuan Core, and leave it for someone else instead?" 

That was a Tier 6 Yuan Core!

Mu Linghan's lie was ridiculously hilarious!

Mu Yan and the others were also silent.

They wanted to believe it, but this… really was not credible…

But, that Yuan Core was indeed real!

They really wanted to know what really had happened.

Mu Qinglan looked at Mu Ye as though he was an idiot, and was just about to speak when a clear, cold voice rang out!

"Because I'm not the least interested in that kind of thing."