Chapter 449: Solitary Deadly Fate, Grandma Hawthorne's Entrustment (2 more updates)

The people of the Hawthorne Family didn't dare to make a sound in the face of Len Hawthorne's cold questioning.

They all held their breath, feeling wronged.

A person who was not even a proper member of the Hawthorne Family, how dared he speak to them like this?

Ethan Coates was also shocked. Grandma Hawthorne was fine, but after they said she disappeared, she suddenly vanished. Could it be that she was affected by something at the scene?

Everyone who witnessed the scene lost that part of their memory, and apart from the parties involved, no one knew what had happened.

One of the individuals involved was dead.

They didn't dare investigate who the other one was.

With Jade Hawthorne dead, the Slaughter Squad would have loved to set off fireworks for three days and nights to celebrate. Who would run around to help investigate who killed her?

Wasn't that just asking for trouble?